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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 135

Liuyuan Residential District

Qiu Mu-Cheng had gotten up earlier than usual today. After all, not only did she have to prepare breakfast for her parents, she had also promised to set off with Su Qian at six in the morning.


But just as she was heating up the milk, she sensed someone or something. So she immediately turned around to look out of the window.

At this moment, apart from several luxury cars that were just slowly rolling out of the residential district, there was nobody else around.

"Odd. Did I just imagine things?"

Qiu Mu-Cheng had really felt someone peeping at her. But now, it seemed that she had been overthinking things.

It looks like I really need to go on a trip to take me out of myself.

A short moment later, she put the finished breakfast on the table.

"Mom. Dad. I have warmed up the milk. You can just drink it once you get out of bed."

"I have made arrangements with Qian-Qian. We are going to see a friend. It may take me a couple of days to get back."

Qiu Mu-Cheng was dragging her luggage downstairs as she shouted out to her parents.

Su Qian had already parked her car downstairs and was merrily honking away. If Qiu Mu-Cheng delayed any longer, the silly girl was going to disturb the residents and arouse public anger.

"Qian-Qian, have you made up your mind? Where will we be going?"

At this moment, Qiu Mu-Cheng had already gotten into the car.

And Su Qian was speeding along the broad city streets in her white BMW 525LL

At this time of the day, there was hardly any cars in the streets. There was nothing like the feeling of freedom and openness to put one in a good mood.

"Relax, I have everything planned."

"This time, we are going to go up Mount Tai."

"I always wanted to go when I was a student. But unfortunately, I went overseas before I had the chance to do so. Today, an opportunity has presented itself for us to visit the place."

"After we have conquered Mount Tai, then we will have nothing to worry about when it comes to conquering men."

Su Qian laughed smugly. The melodious music playing in the car sounded exceptionally cheerful.

"Also, Mu-Cheng. I heard from my father that they are holding a huge gathering around Mount Tai over these few days. Almost all the big shots in Jiangdong will be attending. For example, Master Li Er from our city, Master Lei San from Jingzhou and even Chen Ao of Jianghai will all be going to this event."

"A grand gathering in Jiangdong where VIPs gather. There will be scions from influential families all over the place."

"At that time, perhaps we will get lucky and meet the rich men of our dreams?"

Su Qian sniggered. Her nymphomania was acting up again.

Qiu Mu-Cheng was almost rendered speechless. "Qian-Qian, I am seriously doubting your motive in coming on this trip."

"I think you are not going there to climb Mount Tai, but to find a hunk."

"I think you ought to tame that unruly spirit of yours."

Even though she had been seen through, Su Qian did not feel the least bit ashamed and she continued sniggering.

That thick skin of hers was on par with Ye Fan's.

Qiu Mu-Cheng's mood saddened the moment she thought of her husband.

A whole day had gone by already. Since their encounter at Yunwu Lake, Ye Fan had not called her once, let alone looked for her.

At this moment, she felt that she had been a little too hard on Ye Fan and started to blame herself a little.

She wondered if her words last night had been too harsh.

Although Ye Fan's actions had made her angry but, after some thorough thinking, it seemed that Ye Fan had done everything for her sake.

He had curried favor with Xu Lei because he wanted to improve her status in the Qiu family.

So perhaps it was also because of her that he was working as a "white gloves" for those big shots.

But Ye Fan, why can't you make something of yourself through your own efforts? Let everyone see you in a different light and let me be proud of you as well.

In the end, Qiu Mu-Cheng shook her head. She was thoroughly disappointed in him.

The wheels spun and the two beauties continued to drive toward Anning County, which was located at the foot of Mount Tai.

Anning County had originally been an impoverished township at the foot of Mount Tai.

But due to its proximity to Mount Tai, tourism in Anning had flourished. Every year, the fame of Mount Tai would attract numerous visitors. And the arrival of those tourists had helped to promote the growth of local economy.


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