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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1351

Ye Fan's speed was incredibly quick. The other party didn't have time to react at all. Before he knew it, Ye Fan's palm had already hit the Chu Sect fighter on the face.


A low blast filled the air.

It was soon followed by a terrible howl of pain.

Half the man's face sank in before everyone's eyes.

Fresh blood and teeth sprayed everywhere.

His entire head had been crushed on one side from the impact of this palm attack.

After that, he crashed heavily to the ground.

The entire place shook wildly and even the ground split.

This Black Guardian collapsed into the dust and rubble. Nobody knew if he was

dead or alive.

But even if he didn't die, he would be severely incapacitated, and would never be able to fight again.

In just a few seconds, Ye Fan had already severely injured three out of five of the Black Guardians.

Some were dead and some were badly injured. The bright red color of blood stained the ground and their screams of pain filled the air.

Ye Fan's vicious methods had truly shocked everyone.

But when the last two saw the tragedy that befell their brothers, any rational thought remaining was swallowed up by fury and hatred in an instant.

"Number four!"

"You bastard! You bastard!!'' "Give my brother back to me!!" When they saw how their close friend and brother had died so pitifully before them, their hearts felt awful. They were practically bleeding inside.

They looked at Ye Fan with nothing but hatefulness in their eyes.

They couldn't wait to tear this fellow from limb to limb.

But Ye Fan didn't care about their angry shouts.

His expressionless face had no tinge of emotion whatsoever. Even after that palm had landed on the last man, he didn't seem to have run out of energy at all. He stepped hard on the ground and sent another ferocious kick out.

"The fourth one!" His low words sounded like the call of the grim reaper as they rang out next to the ears of Ye Fan's next victim.

Chu Qi-Tian watched as the highly skilled Chu Sect martial artist buckled immediately after Ye Fan's leg struck him.

He burst like a balloon upon impact.

The man literally exploded.

He exploded like fireworks in the sky, except that these fireworks were made from fresh blood and bones.

"How...how...how is this possible?" Chu Qi-Tian was too stunned for words when he saw this happen.

His eyes widened as he looked at the scene in front of him with disbelief.

These five men were all grandmasters.

Everyone in the martial arts circle knew that while it might be easy to defeat a grandmaster, it was almost impossible to kill one.

Even a supreme grandmaster might not be able to kill off a grandmaster this easily.

But to Chu Qi-Tian's horror, this rule that had stood fast all these years didn't seem to hold any water when it came to Ye Fan.

In just a few seconds, four grandmasters were either dead or as good as dead.

None of them managed to survive even one move from Ye Fan.

The fourth one had even exploded into bits from Ye Fan's kick.

It was as though Ye Fan wasn't faced with grandmasters who could lord it over thousands of others. These supposedly powerful grandmasters seemed more like a bunch of ceramic bowls and plates.

This was no fight. This was just a one sided massacre.

Ye Fan had defeated his opponents so easily and so powerfully.

"This...this is not possible! How is he...how is he still so strong? Wasn't he severely injured and on the brink of death? Wasn't he about to die just a few days ago? He couldn't have recovered this quickly. That's impossible, that's impossible!" roared Chu Qi-Tian in disbelief as he shook his head. His eyes were all red from watching the

Chu Sect martial artists he brought fall one after another.

He had thought that these five grandmasters would definitely be able to kill or incapacitate Ye Fan.


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