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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1356

A young man stood beneath the sky with an authoritative aura around him.

The dead bodies of grandmasters were strewn around him, and a supreme grandmaster was kneeling before him.

His body was bent over and his knees were in the ground.

The earth had split open when the Persian King, Gaia, had fallen to his knees.

Spiderweb looking crack lines spread in all directions from his knees.

At the same time, the loud and ominous thud of his knees hitting the ground resonated loudly, sending tremors through everyone's hearts.

Chu Qi-Tian was flabbergasted at this scene. His eyes widened and he stared at all this in disbelief.

"P-Persian King! What are you doing? You're a supreme grandmaster and a martial artist on the Sky Ranking! Why are you kneeling to this lowly young fellow from the village? Are you nuts?!" Chu Qi-

Tian yelled uncontrollably.

He wasn't the only flabbergasted one. Brahma was equally baffled and there was shock in his eyes.

"Gaia, what the hell are you even doing?! One should not kneel so easily! How could you kneel before him?! You're going to become a laughingstock at this rate! Get up!!" said Brahma both angrily and anxiously.

But there was no way Gaia could hear anything Brahma and Chu Qi-Tian were saying.

The only person he could see now was Ye Fan.

He no longer looked upon Ye Fan murderously or with disdain. He now looked at Ye Fan with reverence and fear.

Gaia had finally accepted the fact that Ye Fan was indeed that man.

He would never forget the skinny silhouette of that man when his life was hanging by a thread.

That the first and only time Gaia had met that man.

But that one chance meeting made Gaia follow him for the rest of his life.

That man had changed his life completely.

If he hadn't met that man, the name Gaia would have been buried in some wasteland and died at the knife of an enemy long ago.

There would have been no way he would have become a supreme grandmaster or entered the Sky Ranking.

That man had not only saved him, but also groomed him for greater things.

That was why that man had taken such an important position in Gaia's heart all these years.

He was grateful to this benefactor, but also believed, worshipped and followed him like his god and teacher.

But that was also why Gaia had been so surprised and disbelieving when he found out that the person he had revered so greatly turned out to be a young man who was so much younger than himself.

He had always thought that Ye Fan was an authoritative and respectable elderly person.

Ye Fan was nowhere near what he had imagined, so it took him a long time to accept this reality.

Gaia had seen Ye Fan back then, but he was on the brink of death and his vision was fuzzy.

All he remembered was a blurry and skinny silhouette.

He didn't know what Ye Fan looked like at all.


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