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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1367

"Ye Fan had taken all the spirit energy fruits for himself. Besides, so many supreme grandmasters had gathered on that island. Why? It's obvious that there's a very precious treasure inside the cave that has made all the supreme grandmasters go wild for! If a spirit energy fruit is able to increase our chances of becoming a grandmaster, then the treasure on the island is very likely to help all of us become supreme grandmaster,” Reilo continued to stoke the crowd with his provoking words inside the pub.

Many people started getting riled up as a result.

The previously terrified look in everyone's eyes as they looked at Ye Fan slowly became a burning gaze.

Nobody could remain unmoved when faced with the possibility of attaining great treasure.

Furthermore, this treasure could possibly help them to become supreme grandmasters.

A supreme grandmaster was the highest level one could go in the martial arts world.

Everybody wanted to become a grandmaster in order to be acknowledged as a good fighter, but everyone wanted to become a supreme grandmaster because they would become the religion and deity to the people around them.

And now, the road to becoming a deity was right in front of them.

It was difficult for anybody to remain calm now.

Even if they only stood a slim chance, they weren't going to let it go.

When Reilo spotted the increasingly tense and excited atmosphere, a smug smile immediately surfaced on his lips.

But not everyone here was stupid.

In fact, most of them knew what Reilo was hoping for.

They knew that these Indian martial artists wanted to make use of them to get rid of Ye Fan.

But so what?

They stood to benefit from Ye Fan's death too.

So even though they knew that this was Reilo's plan to kill Ye Fan, they didn't mind going along with it.

What they wanted was the treasure that Ye Fan had.

"But ReiIo, how do you know if the treasure is really on this boy? What if it has been taken away by the lady who was travelling with him?” asked someone who was still able to think logically.

Reilo didn't pretend to be sure and confessed, "You're right. I'm not 100% certain myself. But we can't always be certain about everything in the world. I can't promise that there's treasure on this Chinese boy. But I can guarantee you that if we just stand here and let him leave our sight, we won't get anything." His voice was firm and valiant sounding.

He paused for a moment before continuing, "Besides, as all of you can see, the young man is badly injured and he's no longer as powerful as he was. This is the opportunity of a lifetime. As long as all of us combine our efforts to attack him, I'm sure we'll be able to kill him in no time."

"Everyone, are all of you really willing to let go of this rare opportunity that's right in front of you? Isn't anybody willing to take a gamble with me? If this works out, then in a few decades' time, you might very well be ranked on the Sky Ranking. Even if it doesn't work out, we won't lose anything either. In fact, we'll successfully pare down China's martial arts prowess. That's not a bad thing for our own martial arts circle."

"So whether we make it or not, none of us here stands to lose anything. It's now up to all of you to decide whether you want to actually do this together with me," said Reilo in a low voice as he looked at everyone around him with a fire in his eyes.


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