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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1376

The first people that everyone suspected was Chu Sect.

They were definitely capable of something like this.

As the most powerful group of martial artists in the world, they naturally became a suspect when something of this scale happened.

But it was just a suspicion they held. If they couldn't find any evidence, they couldn't jump to any conclusions either.

The teams from the various countries spent the next few days searching for more clues.

Someone soon discovered a grave behind one of the large trees in the area.

"Hmm? Why is there a grave here?" someone asked puzzledly.

"Maybe it's just a larger mound of dirt. Who would bury their dead in this sort of place?"

"Who knows? Maybe the murderer buried his dead companions before leaving?”

"There's no point in arguing. We just need to dig it up to know if it's a grave or not," suggested Reimon as he walked over.

"That's a good idea!" Everyone agreed with Reimon's suggestion quickly.

One of them came forward to aim a powerful palm at the top of the mound.

The mound of soil burst upon impact, and an unkempt head that was covered in dirt flew out from the mound at the same time.

"Good heavens! Was that a head? This is really a grave then! If my guess is right, the murderer must have put this grave up for a dead companion. Once we find out who this head belongs to, we'll soon be able to find out who this bloodthirsty massacrer is." Reimon was quick to put the facts together.

He was certain that whoever was buried in this grave definitely had something to do with the killer.

"He's right. All our martial artists have been killed and no one has come back alive except for the murderer. So this grave must have been made by the killer for his companions." Everyone else nodded in agreement with Reimon.

"In that case, call everyone over and see if anybody recognizes this head then," said Reimon as he kicked the head into the nearby river, waited for the river water to wash the dirt off the head, then flung it in front of everyone again.

After everyone took a look, they all shook their heads and said they didn't know who this was.

"But these features look Asian. Can the folks from the Asian countries come over and see if you know who this is?" someone in the crowd shouted out.

When Reimon heard that it was an Asian, he immediately snapped coldly, "An Asian? Looks like it's got to be the Chinese martial artists. Only the Indians and the Chinese would be capable of something like that in all of Asia. My uncle, Reilo, has perished here, so it can't be us. By elimination, we can conclude that this must have been done by China!"

"Besides, did all of you notice something? All of us have lost fighters from our countries here, but China didn't lose anybody. I'm very sure the killer is a Chinese! Let's take this head back to War God Castle in China and demand an explanation from them!"

Reimon suspected it was China right from the beginning.

India and China had a longstanding history of feuds after all.

Only martial artists from China would have wiped out India's martial artists, and would have done it in such a ruthless manner.

He didn't have any evidence at first, so he didn't say anything. But now, so many clues were pointing towards the idea that the killer was a Chinese.

After the crowd listened to Reimon's analysis of the situation, they felt


"Gosh, you're right! I didn't notice at first. The Chinese team doesn't seem to have any victims in this massacre."


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