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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1378

Reimon really couldn't understand why Brahma would have done such a thing.

Wasn't that as good as drawing hate towards the Indian martial arts circle?

Nobody would dare to offend Brahma himself because he was a supreme grandmaster, but everyone else in India's martial arts circle was going to suffer.

Reimon knew that if this matter wasn't properly resolved, Indian martial artists were going to be targeted and attacked everywhere they went.

"Reimon, the Indra has always been an arrogant man and never cared about the consequences of killing others. Leaving a message behind after proving his prowess is pretty much in line with his domineering personality. At the very least, everyone will truly be afraid of him now," remarked one of Reimon's team mates.

They didn't think there was anything strange about this behavior.

To them, all supreme grandmasters were arrogant and did whatever they liked without caring about anything else.

Leaving their name behind after a massacre without any fear of the revenge that might come after them really wasn't anything to be surprised about.

"It's true. But while he's made a name for himself, all of us are going to suffer for it. Oh forget it, we're not responsible for this anyway. Let's go back and report this to Folo Palace, and see what they decide to do," sighed Reimon. He dragged his injured body back to India.

Even though Brahma possessed the highest level of martial arts in India, he had only become famous in the last 50 years. He didn't have as much experience or standing as his seniors who had become famous before him.

So the person that the Indian martial arts circle looked up to was still the elderly leader of Folo Palace, the almighty grandmaster who had controlled India's martial arts circle for nearly a century -King Folo!

This international mystery had finally been solved.

Martial arts circles around the globe were furious after they found out that Brahma had been the one behind the massacre.

32 countries sent a petition to India, requesting that India's martial arts circle give an acceptable explanation and apology.

Some of them also asked Folo Palace to hand Brahma over to be punished publicly so as to avenge the ones who died.

In just one night, the reputation that India had painstakingly built for its martial arts had shattered.

Almost every faction of martial arts in the world was rebuking India and accusing them.

This matter did not only affect their reputation and image, but many international partnerships were also called off as a result.

Many of their martial artists who had gone abroad to hone their skills had been sent back.

Everyone was against India right now.

This matter blew up so badly that even the ordinary mundane world was affected.

Many friendly exchanges were terminated.

Some business projects suffered partial losses.

The prime minister of India was incensed by this matter.

The martial arts world and the mundane world were ruled separately after all.

He never interfered with any martial arts matters because Folo Palace was in charge of that.

But this time, he had no choice but to give King Folo a call, because the country had suffered so badly in terms of their foreign relations with other countries.

At the same time, Folo Palace was not faring any better.

King Folo in particular, was going mad from everything that was happening.


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