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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1380

Sword Saint nodded upon hearing Ye Qing-Tian's analysis of the matter.

"You don't have to be too concerned over this matter. Nobody from China died in this massacre anyway. I'm more worried about Ye Fan's safety now. It's all my fault. I shouldn't have let Ye Fan join this mission. He became a supreme grandmaster at such a young age, so if he ends up dying because of this, then I will become the greatest sinner in China's martial arts history." Ye Qing-Tian gave a long sigh. He was really very worried.

The past two weeks had been very difficult for Ye Qing-Tian. For as long as he had no news about Ye Fan, he found it hard to eat or sleep.

"Ye, you don't have to blame yourself. One survives an ordeal on his own strength. Ye Fan might be very gifted, but he will have to eventually learn how to brave storms on his own. Even if you didn't give him a mission this time, what about next time? You can't possibly raise him in a sheltered and protected environment all the time, can you?”

"A good sword is forged through a long period of hammering in the heat. A real strong fighter will be able to survive any attempt on his life. If he turns out to be real gold, he will emerge victorious. If he's just useless sand, then he will be washed away quickly.”

"If Ye Fan doesn't make it back, it just means that he's just like useless sand and will never make it in life no matter what you do. So don't feel too bad for him," Sword Saint comforted Ye Qing-Tian.

Sword Saint was a lot calmer than the anxious Ye Qing-Tian.

After all, most of the members of War God Castle were still doubtful of Ye Fan's prowess.

They didn't really place a lot of hopes on Ye Fan, so even if they lost him, they didn't feel too disappointed.

In all of China's martial arts circle, probably only Ye Qing-Tian and Tang Hao, who fought Ye Fan one on one before, were more concerned about Ye Fan's life.

After saying these things, Sword Saint left.

Ye Qing-Tian was left standing at the mountain peak alone as he waited.

"Ye Fan, have you really perished in the forest?" His low voice was carried away by the freezing winds atop the mountain.

Time continued to pass.

The international martial arts world did not take back any of their accusations at India.

Many continued to demand an explanation from Folo Palace, while the friends and families of the deceased wanted Brahma to die as way of apology.

But after their initial stage of anger and more details surfaced, many people also started wondering if Brahma was really the murderer after all.

Was it possible for a man who had just lost an arm to destroy nearly a hundred imminent grandmasters at one shot?

Would a supreme grandmaster ranked on the Sky Ranking really engage in such a bloody massacre for the sake of a few lowly martial artists?

The logic didn't hold up at all.

Because of the many loopholes, there were several people who had made their way back to the rainforest to continue their investigations.

Even more information was slowly revealed as they made a more thorough investigation.

For example, why did Brahma go against the rules of the hunt and enter the Amazon rainforest?

Also, why did high level martial artists from Chu Sect appear in the rainforest?

Was there another treasure besides the spirit energy fruit that made supreme grandmasters willing to fight each other for?

Even more mysteries surfaced as a result.


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