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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1386

It was dusk.

The last remaining rays from the setting sun had painted the sky with a beautiful shade of red.

The gentle breeze caused ripples across the water on Yunwu Lake.

The sapphire colored lake had the beautiful sky reflected onto its surface.

In the reflection, Mount Yunding Villa appeared surreal, as though it existed only in one's dreams.

It looked majestic, yet ethereal.

It would stop anyone in their tracks when they saw it!

Lv Hua and Lin Si-Cong had already left Mount Yunding Villa.

Li Er had arranged for them to stay at the most luxurious hotel in Yunzhou.

Only Qiu Mu-Cheng, Li Er, Lei San and Wang Jie-Xi were left in the villa.

Ever since they were told of Ye Fan's death, Qiu Mu-Cheng had neither moved from her seat nor spoken a word the whole afternoon.

Only her pale beautiful face gave a hint on the torment and grief she was feeling.

"Miss Qiu, are you alright?" Although Li Er and the rest had calmed down and accepted that something serious had happened to Ye Fan, Qiu Mu-Cheng's condition was worrying.

Qiu Mu-Cheng shook her head and finally spoke, "I'm alright. I would like to be alone for a while."

Li Er nodded his head as he said, "Alright. But Miss Qiu, I don't think we can believe everything they had said. That Lv Hua has a villainous look and I keep having a feeling that something is off about him. I think we can trust what Lin Si-Cong had said though."

"Mr Lin had said that this is only their conjecture. There is still a chance that Mr Chu is still alive as long as his body is not found. It could be just like the last time when everyone thought Mr Chu had died, but he came back alive, right? So, Miss Qiu, you have to stay strong. Even if Mr Chu is no longer around, the three of us will still assist you in managing Mr Chu's estate in Jiangdong,” Li Er said earnestly as he tried to convince Qiu Mu-Cheng to look at the bright side of things.

Qiu Mu-Cheng nodded and thanked the three of them.

"We will leave now, please have a good rest, Miss Qiu."

"Just give us a call should you need anything."

After saying what they could, Li Er and the other two left Mount Yunding Villa.

Only Qiu Mu-Cheng was left in the villa now.

It was at this moment that she no longer had to hide what she was really feeling. Qiu Mu-Cheng slumped over the table and allowed heart wrenching sobs to escape

from her.

Her heart-breaking cries were filled with so much emotion. It was a mix of grief, fears and confusion.

She was like a sheltered beautiful flower that had been suddenly exposed to the harsh elements of the world.

Lei San gave a sigh when they left the villa.

"Life can really be unpredictable. It can bring a person blessing one moment and misfortune the next. Who would have thought such a tragedy would happen to Mr Chu in just a matter of a few months?" Lei San said as he gave another sigh.

Li Er was silent for a long moment before he said soberly, "Maybe this is what Mr Chu had said about the martial arts world, where danger is always lurking round the corner and the risk of losing one's life is high. Mr Chu had always borne this risk alone and it's because of him that Jiangdong could experience peace and prosperity. Who will be able to guard Jiangdong if Mr Chu is really gone?"

Li Er's eyes reddened as he gazed far ahead of him. His usually wise-looking eyes looked sorrowful.

Li Er used to be a servant of the Chu family and it was not a surprise that he knew a lot more about the martial arts world.


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