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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1398

Lv Hua was still standing where he was.

But he didn't look confident or elegant anymore.

He looked more like he had literally just been roasted.

His clothes had been burnt to a crisp.

The skin on his chest had been seared and bright red blood flowed continuously down his burn wounds.

Lv Hua's body suddenly trembled and he spewed a mouthful of blood out.

He was weakened and resembled more like a deflated balloon now.

The attack that the Green Dragons launched earlier had clearly injured Lv Hua severely.

But Lv Hua was an imminent grandmaster after all.

The formation attack had made him unable to fight, but it wasn't enough to kill

him yet.

But incapacitating him temporarily was enough.

It was going to be easy to kill him once he was severely injured.

Once he saw that the Green Dragons' attack had worked, Li Er laughed merrily and ran over to kick Lv Hua.

The arrogant Young Master Lv of the rich and powerful Lv family was immediately kicked to the ground and landed on his face.

"HAHA! What say you now? Weren't you such a show off just now? Tsk! How dare a lowlife like you covet Mr Chu's woman?

You're no match for even the authoritativeness that Mr Chu's fingertips exude! HAHA!" Li Er laughed like an idiot as he continued to kick Lv Hua relentlessly. He was so happy that the crisis was over, and his son had become someone so formidable.

"That's quite enough, Master Er. If you continue to kick him, he might die,” Qiu Mu-Cheng quickly advised Li Er after feeling relieved that everything was over.

Even though Lv Hua deserved to die, he was backed by a really powerful family.

If he died in Jiangdong, then they were going to face even more trouble in the future.

"Fine. Since Miss Qiu has said so, I'll let him live for the time being. But I don't think he'd live for long. Once Mr Chu returns, he's definitely going to die!" sneered Li Er coldly.

He knew Ye Fan well. Anybody who crossed the line would be killed for sure.

It didn't matter who this person was or what sort of background he had.

But of course, that was assuming Ye Fan was alive in the first place.

After Li Er stopped kicking him, Lv Hua actually managed to stand again.

But he had to lean against the wall to steady himself, probably because he was really too severely injured.

He raised his head to glare hatefully at the five members of the Green Dragon Force.

His lips were trembling and bleeding, and his voice was hoarse as he shouted with bloodshot eyes, "Tell...tell me, what...what move was that? Tell me! TELL ME!!"

He still couldn't believe what just happened.

He simply couldn't accept it. He was the heir to the mighty Lv clan and a gifted martial artist groomed by War God Castle. But he had just lost to a bunch of youngsters!

It was already bad enough to be unable to defeat Ye Fan. Now, he couldn't even defeat a few random proteges that Ye Fan had left behind in Jiangdong.

This really dealt the arrogant Lv Hua a big blow.

But the Green Dragons couldn't be bothered with his maniacal shouting.

Tai Shan, the most hot tempered among them, really wanted to kill Lv Hua with one punch, but Qiu Mu-Cheng stopped him.


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