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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1403

"Grandfather, does that mean that I won't have to turn myself in to the martial arts court? Does that mean that I won't have to die?"

The hope that Lv Hua had all but lost burst into flames once again when he heard what his grandfather had said.

Lv Song-Liang shook his head. "No, you still have to turn yourself in. The God of War told you to, so you have no choice but to obey his orders. In China, the God of War's word is the law. No one may disobey him. Not you, not me, not anyone."

Lv Song-Liang's words were like a bucket of freezing water that extinguished the hope that had kindled within Lv Hua only moments ago.

"Grandmaster, I can't turn myself in! I'll be killed if I turn myself in. I don't want to die. Grandfather, please save me! Please save me...” pleaded Lv Hua. His wails filled the room as his tears streamed endlessly down his cheeks.

"Stop crying! Look at you! How are you to inherit your father's position and shoulder the responsibility of restoring our family to glory when you can't even handle this?"

The sight of Lv Hua pleading and weeping sent waves of rage coursing through Lv Song-Liang. How he wished he could give that coward another hard kick.

Lv Song-Liang's furious hollering drove Lv Hua into a terrified silence. But he couldn't stop the tears that continued to fall down his cheeks.

He was clearly traumatized by what had happened.

"The God of War told you to turn yourself in and face trial. He didn't name your punishment. There's a lot we can do to prevent you from being sentenced to capital punishment and to have you receive a lighter sentence," said Lv Song-Liang. "Have your uncle take you to the martial arts court so that you can turn yourself in. Your father and I will deal with everything else. Don't worry, I'll make sure you get out of this alive."

Having made up his mind, Lv Song-Liang began to make the necessary preparations.

While the Lv family got busy with dealing with the trouble that Lv Hua had gotten himself into, the rest of the martial arts circle gradually settled into its former peace and quiet.

Talk about Ye Fan began to dwindle.

Like a footprint left on the beach, a day would come when all traces of Ye Fan would be wiped clean from this earth.

When that day came, who would still remember the young man who had shown such incredible prowess fighting in a foreign land and who had thrashed numerous martial artists from other countries?

Meanwhile, at Sanshin Organization in Japan.

Ye Fan had caused an upheaval in the

Japanese martial arts circle when he had made a trip to the country.

More than six months had passed since that battle.

There had been a swift reshuffling of important players in the Japanese martial arts circle and the formerly chaotic Japanese martial arts circle had since resumed stability.

Sword Shrine was still in charge of the daily matters of the Japanese martial arts circle. Sanshin Organization, the highest authority in the Japanese martial arts circle, on the other hand, hardly intervened in such administrative matters.

The Head Priest of Sword Shrine, Mochizuki Kawa, only sought an audience with the Chiefs of Sanshin Organization when something of importance happened.

An old man currently stood outside Sanshin Organization, before its doors, patiently waiting for an audience. His voice, filled with deference, filled the air as he spoke.

"In accordance with our rules and regulations, the Head Priest of the Sword Shrine, Mochizuki Kawa, requests an audience with the two chiefs of the Sanshin Organization so that he may submit a report on the current status of the Japanese martial arts circle."

The doors of the Sanshin Organization slid open.

A dispassionate voice filled with authority thundered. "You may enter."

"Thank you, Yukiteru Tenshin."

Mochizuki Kawa bowed, then lifted his foot and stepped into the ancient halls, whose architectural style clearly resembled that of ancient Chinese architecture.

There had been a time when the Japanese adopted parts of the Chinese culture. Traces of such adoption could be seen in everything, from the Japanese language to its clothing, food and architecture.

Thousands of years ago, when China had already risen to become a vast and glorious empire, Japan had still been a string of islands inhabited by small pockets of barbarians.

In fact, the martial arts of modern Japan had originated and evolved from Chinese martial arts.


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