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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1419

The sheer power that surrounded the young man threatened to envelop the heavens itself.

Finally, after a very long time, the chaos churning the heavens finally dissipated.

The young man hovering in midair finally opened his eyes after what had been a long slumber.

His dark eyes looked distant, as if they were gazing past the starlit heavens, past time itself and into infinity.

"Ten years of gathering my strength and a thousand days of laying in dormancy. Finally, I've transformed myself anew and reached the next height in my powers. The past is now buried in the ground. The future lies ahead of me, a future in which few would be able to rival me in strength and power."

The young man's eyes shone fiercely as he relished the immense power coursing through his veins.

Thunder rumbled in the horizon.

The winds sent the sand into a flurry.

The clouds appeared to recede into the distance, as if cowered by the power that Ye Fan was exuding.

Gaia and Chandra had fallen into a stupor as they stared at the young man's blinding presence in the sky.

They could sense the overwhelming power emanating from Ye Fan. Overwhelmed with emotion, Gaia fell to his knees and cheered loudly.

"Dragon Master, congratulations on achieving a breakthrough in your powers! Congratulations on your metamorphosis!"

His voice reverberated through the heavens.

His eyes were filled with shock and awe.

The level-headed and calm Chandra seemed startled by the terrifying power that Ye Fan was exuding too. Surprise colored her lovely face.

"He's surpassed my master. I can't believe it. The young man who was as inexperienced and innocent as I was has come so far," whispered Chandra. Her voice revealed a mixture of emotions: joy, consolation, surprise, admiration and awe.

She remembered the first time that she had met the young man. He hadn't even been a grandmaster then.

He hadn't been her match at all then.

She had been escaping from the murderous pursuit of her fellow disciple of her sect and had traveled thousands of miles westward before entering the Gobi Desert and crossing paths with Ye Fan, who was being hunted down by his enemies as well.

Through the hands of fate, two people who had had nothing to do with each other had somehow met serendipitously.

They had bonded over their similar predicaments and became fast friends.

Then, they had teamed up and gotten rid of the enemies who had been hot on their trails.

The oasis that they were in right now was the same oasis that they had stumbled upon then.

Many years had passed since their first encounter.

The young eagle of the yesteryears had left the nest and taken flight.

Ye Fan had become a powerful man now.

"Congratulations, Ye Fan," Chandra said softly. Her voice was like a song from the heavens.

It was a long while before the sandstorm finally died down and peace and quiet returned to the desert.

The recently awakened Ye Fan allowed his power to dissipate and fade away, hiding his power like how one sheathed a treasured and well-crafted blade.

Compared to the Ye Fan of the past, Ye Fan appeared more reserved and unfathomable.

"Dragon Master, you're finally awake. I was wondering if you were going to stay asleep forever,” rambled Gaia as he laughed and approached Ye Fan.

Ye Fan simply nodded and paid little attention to what he was saying.

Instead, he looked up and stared ahead.


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