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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1442

"But Lv Hua didn't stop there. Instead, he committed even more heinous acts. He attacked us both mentally and physically using the most underhanded and disgusting ploys. He was absolutely unscrupulous and wanted to finish us off on all fronts. It was hard for us to uncover all his ruses, and Aunt Xi-Mei and Mu-Cheng finally ended up in a traffic accident shortly after they left the villa. If Aunt Xi-Mei didn't protect Mu-Cheng, both of them would have ended up hospitalized. Despite her efforts, there is still a wound on Mu-Cheng's forehead that might leave a scar forever."

Even though it was already over, Ye Yu-Yan couldn't help trembling in fury with her eyes red as she recounted the incident.

She couldn't imagine how someone could be so unscrupulous.

He would even harm someone's family to get what he wanted.

He didn't have the guts to do it when Ye Fan was alive, but he wreaked havoc after his death.

Ye Fan turned to take off Qiu Mu-Cheng's cap as Ye Yu-Yan spoke.

Sure enough, there was a jarring scar on Qiu Mu-Cheng's forehead that was several centimeters long.

Ye Fan couldn't imagine the pain Qiu Mu-Cheng had to suffer.

Her face must have gotten covered with blood in the process.

Ye Fan clenched his fists tightly as he looked at the scar on her forehead.

He finally realized why Qiu Mu-Cheng wore a cap today even though she was not in the habit of wearing one.

She was wearing it to cover the scar.

He reached his hand out and touched the ghastly scar sadly.

No one knew of the fury burning in his heart at this moment.

"Go on."

After a brief silence, Ye Fan turned to look at Ye Yu-Yan coldly once more.

Ye Yu-Yan nodded and continued, "I realized that Yunzhou was no longer safe, so I told Zi-Yang and Ming-Bo to send Mu-Cheng and Aunt Xi-Mei to the Jiangdong barracks. Also, we cleaned up their tracks and cut off all communication. After all, we were keenly aware of how powerful these martial artists are. If the Lv family found out where they were, even the entire army would be incapable of keeping them safe."

Ye Yu-Yan was speaking the truth.

A powerful martial artist was capable of picking off a single target from countless people.

Now everything was starting to make sense.

It was little wonder that Qiu Mu-Cheng and Ye Xi-Mei had been completely unreachable.

It also made sense that even Li Er and the others weren't able to find out where they went at all.

After all, they were trying to go into hiding. Fewer people with knowledge of their whereabouts meant a lower risk.

"That very night, we decided to attack Lv Hua because we couldn't take it lying down and wanted to seek revenge for Mu-Cheng and the others. Before we left Yunzhou, we were ambushed by their martial artists nearby and suffered a terrible defeat. Da-Zhuang broke his leg and almost maimed it. Two of Tai Shan's fingers were cut off and it's impossible for him to recover. If Commander Lu hadn't turned up in time, we probably wouldn't have the chance to see you today," Ye Yu-Yan spoke sadly.

Her voice was filled with anger, indignation, worry, and joy.

They were still rather young after all. After crossing someone as powerful as the Lv family at such a tender age, it was natural for them to feel stressed.

The chair behind Ye Fan became crushed to smithereens with a loud crack.


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