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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1455

The instant Lv Song-Liang raised his sword, the lake water surged wildly.

The surging water went towards Lv Song-Liang's sword as though he had summoned it.

Tons of water almost instantly froze into ice from the sword energy.

He attacked Ye Fan with an unstoppable force.

The wind in the wake of his attack swept in all directions like a typhoon.

The surging water shattered huge rocks while the snow swept everywhere from the wave of energy.

From a distance, it looked like a silver dragon swimming in the ocean in the sky.


"Is this the true prowess of a supreme grandmaster?" "He is capable of causing rocks to shatter and make waves rise from the water with a single move."

"Even the earth beneath his feet is shaking!"

The audience on the island looked even more shocked when they saw Lv Song-Liang's move.

Even though they had read about a supreme grandmaster's power to move heaven and earth, nothing could beat the amazement of witnessing it firsthand.

They finally grasped why all martial artists wanted to become supreme grandmasters.

The power of a supreme grandmaster was simply too enticing.

"If I become a strong as my grandfather, I would never have gotten humiliated in the rainforest. Would the God of War have treated me so rudely on Mount Yunding back then? I wouldn't have had to fear the martial arts court and I wouldn't live in fear of this Ye Fan."

In the crowd, Lv Hua's fear suddenly disappeared when he saw what his grandfather was truly capable of.

His eyes were burning with desire and a great motivation.

That was a yearning and motivation to become a supreme grandmaster.

Even people who knew nothing about martial arts like Yang Zi-Jiang, Zhang Xin-Yu, and the others certainly felt equally impressed.

"Damn! Are we at a movie filming or something?"

"No way. Local movies don't have such realistic special effects..."

Yang Zi-Jiang and his wife were in shock.

Their eyes nearly popped from their sockets as they watched Lv Song-Liang stand in midair while water gathered to form dragons.

Everything seemed as fantastical as a


All their previous concepts of the world instantly shattered.

It was unimaginable that a mere human could be capable of such a feat.

"He is a goner! He's doomed for sure! That dude is probably going to get hacked to pieces even if he were made of iron," shouted Yang Zi-Jiang in shock as he looked at Ye Fan pitifully and felt certain that Ye Fan was incapable of escaping.

"Uh huh. There's no way he can survive this. He should have just stayed in Jiangdong and continued to lead his band of thugs. Why did he come over to provoke these people? Does he think he is still in Jiangdong?" Chu Wen-Fei chimed in.

Ye Fan continued to stand quietly while everyone reeled in shock from Lv Song-Liang's prowess.

Despite Lv Song-Liang's powerful attack and the wind surging in the air, Ye Fan continued to stand expressionlessly for a

long time.

Not a drop of emotion could be seen on his face as his cold eyes continued to look straight ahead.

No one knew of the glint in the young man's profound eyes.

"What's going on with the Unrivalled? Why hasn't he attacked? Has he lost it?"

Many people frowned as they contemplated quizzically.


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