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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1482

"How did it go? Did he agree to spare Lv Hua's life?”

In War God Castle on Mount Yan, Tang Hao had just ended his conversation with Ye Fan and hung up.

Sword Saint rushed up to Tang Hao immediately and peppered him with a flurry of questions.

Tang Hao sighed and shook his head. "I've told you that this was going to be a waste of our time. Ye Fan killed hundreds of people in Jiangbei because he wanted Lv Hua dead. Do you think he's going to spare the life of the Lv family's young master that easily?"

Sword Saint stiffened. "He refused? Even though you were the one who asked?"

Actually, Sword Saint should have been the one who had spoken to Ye Fan.

But he had been convinced that Tang Hao would be the better choice because of his casual friendship with Ye Fan.

But it appeared that nothing was going to change Ye Fan's mind. He was adamant that Lv Hua had to die.

"We're stuck in a tough spot right now," Sword Saint said worriedly.

He had intended to do all that he could to save Lv Hua's life.

That would appease the Lv family's allies and prevent another uproar in the Chinese martial arts circle.

But Ye Fan's mind was fixed. Sword Saint was caught in a predicament.

"Let's go. We should head to the martial arts court now. God of War is going to lose his patience if he has to wait for us any longer," sighed Tang Hao.

Today was the day of Lv Hua's trial.

Because of the seriousness of the matter and the consequences that it might lead to, the God of War, Sword Saint and the others had taken it upon themselves to conduct the trial.

The trial was going to start soon.

"Alright, let's go.” Sword Saint nodded.

It was then that Lv Zi-Ming charged through the entrance and fell hard on his knees before the two.

"Sword Saint, please, I beg you! Please speak to God of War and request that he show mercy to my son! The Lv family has already been decimated. Hua is my only blood kin left in the world. He's our family clan's last hope! If you have to kill someone, kill me instead. I will die in his stead. Please! On account of what my father did for the Chinese martial arts circle, on account of what the Lv family did in watching over the Jiangbei martial arts circle, please spare Hua's life! He knows that he's made a mistake. He's still young! Please give him a chance to repent!" Lv Zi-Ming pleaded desperately. His words were filled with pain and anguish and his face wet with tears.

Sword Saint shook his head. "It's too late. You have only yourselves to blame for your folly. You angered someone whom you

couldn't afford to provoke."

They weren't going to be able to salvage the situation. Sword Saint didn't wish to spend too much time on Lv Zi-Ming.

He pushed open the doors to the hall and headed to the martial arts court with Tang Hao.

Even though Sword Saint didn't like Ye Fan, he had to admit that the God of War was right. The Lv family had been in the wrong in the first place. So had War God Castle and the Chinese martial arts circle.

They had not done their duty to protect Ye Fan's family and bring the perpetrators to justice. They couldn't blame Ye Fan for taking matters into his own hands and seeking revenge.

The martial arts court began its trial of Lv Hua as soon as Sword Saint and Tang Hao arrived.

The three supreme grandmasters, the God of War, Sword Saint and the Heavenly Grandmaster listened quietly as the proceedings were conducted and the judge questioned Lv Hua.

Lv Hua was terrified witless.

He had three pillars of the nation sitting in on his trial. The stress that came from being the object of their attention wasn't something that Lv Hua could take.


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