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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1484

It was as if Lv Hua had just been struck by lightning.

His legs went out under him and he collapsed in a heap on the ground.

His eyes were wide with despair. He couldn't stop wailing and pleading for mercy.

Lv Zi-Ming could not accept what had just happened and passed out on the spot.

The other men and women from Jiangbei began to protest violently after the sentence had been announced.

The martial arts court descended into utter chaos.

Amidst the ruckus, a furious voice thundered and drowned out all other voices.

"Persist in your troublemaking and you'll be expelled from Yanjing!"

The God of War's words boomed loudly and came crushing down on everyone with the weight of a mountain.

Silence descended instantly.

It didn't matter how unhappy they felt, no one dared not speak a single word.

Standing before them was the most powerful martial artist in China. Who would dare to challenge him?

The sound of a gunshot cracked the air.

A scorching bullet rippled through the air and pierced right through Lv Hua's head.

That marked the end of a rising star in the Chinese military, one of the ten young talents who had been conferred a title by War God Castle and the only living descendant of the Lv family as well as his evil deeds.

Lv Hua's heart had been filled with regret during his last living moments.

If he could relive his life again, he would kill himself before provoking Ye Fan.

But you only live once.

Some mistakes, once made, could only be paid with your life!

The disaster in the Chinese martial arts circle that had begun with the Lv family and then exacerbated by Ye Fan's actions finally ended with Lv Hua's death.

War God Castle delivered Lv Hua's corpse to Jiangdong that very night that he had been shot.

Ye Fan stood before Mount Yunding with his hands folded behind his back.

Standing behind him was Li Er, Lei San, Wang Jie-Xi and the Green Dragon Force.

Before them was the cold corpse of Lv Hua resting in his coffin.

"Unrivalled Grandmaster, we're here on the orders of War God Castle. You are looking at our gesture of recompense. We also have a message from the God of War and Sword Saint," said one of the members of War God Castle who had been tasked to

deliver Lv Hua's dead body.

"Speak,” Ye Fan said dispassionately.

"The God of War wishes to tell you that the matter has been put to rest. This marks the end of everything. Farewell!" Having said that, these men did not linger and instead drove back to Yanjing immediately.

They took Lv Hua's body with them.

The Lv family had requested that Lv Hua's body be sent back to Jiangbei, where it would be buried in the family clan's mausoleum.

Mount Yunding remained deathly silent after the men from War God Castle had left.

It was a long time before Li Er and Lei San recovered from the waves of emotion swelling inside them.

Li Er was the first to speak. He stared at Ye Fan incredulously, as if he would a ghost. "Mr Chu.Js that the end of the matter? Did War God Castle really give in...to your


No one could understand the shock that Li Er was reeling from.

He could not have expected War God Castle to do as Ye Fan had asked. Instead of demanding that Ye Fan pay for what he had done, they had killed Lv Hua to make amendments to Ye Fan.

Li Er had thought Ye Fan had been bragging all along.


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