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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1488

It was a clear and sunny day in Yunzhou, Jiangdong today. The sky was blue and free of clouds.

Yunwu Lake, which was usually obscured by cloud and mist, was clearly visible from afar.

The surface of the vast lake rippled and glittered with sunlight.

The rare view drew numerous residents of the city to the lake for some sightseeing.

As countless tourists lost themselves to the beauty of the lake, a child amongst them pointed at the distant Mount Yunding in confusion. "Look, mum! Look at all that cotton candy!"

His words drew many eyes towards the mountain.


"Oh my god!" "What's with all those clouds?"

"It looks like a sea of clouds!"

"What's that place?"

"Where did all those clouds come from?"

Countless voices filled the air as everyone stared into the distance.

Clouds that gathered and formed a light mist were a common sight above Yunwu Lake but what they were seeing now was an actual sea of clouds.

Thousands of thick white clouds hung heavily above the lake, obscuring the towering mountain behind them and leaving the people only with the view of the foot of those mountains.

The towering mountain looked like it had descended from the heavens.

The sudden appearance of the strange sight sent countless people into a dazed stupor.

In fact, they had mistakenly thought that the mountain before them had appeared

out of nowhere.

"Isn't that...Mount Yunding? That's where Mr Chu lives. What happened? How did so many clouds gather over the course of a night? Has Mr Chu ascended and attained godhood?" gasped someone in surprise after he finally recognized the mountain for what it truly was.

Others suspected that Ye Fan had attained godhood.

News of the strange phenomena on Mount Yunding soon spread everywhere and caused an uproar in Yunzhou.

Within half a day, countless residents had gathered at the foot of Mount Yunding to catch a glimpse of the strange sight. The roads in the vicinity were jammed pack with cars.

Without Li Er's men stationed at the foot of the mountain to guard the mansion, these curious folks would have rushed up the mountain to find out what was going on.

"Step aside and make way for Master Er."

"Who dares block the way of Master Er?"

The loud voices of the brothers Jin Bao and Yin Bao rose above the massive crowd suddenly.

A man who was wearing a suit and had a bald patch at the top of his head was escorted by his guards as he charged up Mount Yunding.

"Mr Chu, what happened? Is this divine punishment? Please say something. You're scaring me!"

Li Er had been scared witless when he had heard about the strange sight at Mount Yunding.

He had been convinced that the heavens had decided that Ye Fan had killed one too many and was going to exact divine punishment. Ye Fan was going to be struck down by lightning.

He had hurried to Mount Yunding immediately.

He had panicked when he saw neither hair nor hide of Ye Fan after searching the entire mansion.

"Master Er.Jook, isn't that Mr Chu?" Jin Bao seemed to have come across something. His voice shook with incredulity and awe as he pointed ahead of them.

Li Er looked up.


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