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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1498

In the past, Ye Yu-Yan would never have expected that she would express concern for Ye Fan one day.

She had always been a proud child and had never truly shown any regard for this cousin of hers.

Then, she had witnessed Ye Fan's strength and might and had been won over by his strength and talent.

In comparison to the waves of emotions that Ye Yu-Yan was currently experiencing, Ye Fan appeared calm and composed.

He tugged at the coat that Ye Yu-Yan had placed on his shoulders, thanked her casually and continued his fishing.

Ye Yu-Yan appeared slightly crestfallen when she noted Ye Fan's indifference.

Ye Fan's attitude towards her had remained unchanged all this while. He was distant and showed no hint of the kind of familial warmth and intimacy that family members shared with one another.

But she had only herself to blame for that.

She had been obnoxious and proud when she had been a kid. Her arrogant ways must have hurt her cousin deeply.

Ye Yu-Yan sighed at that thought. One could discern the faint traces of regret lining her brow.

She had not shown Ye Fan any kindness when he had been ostracized by the family.

Ye Fan was famous now. There were plenty of people dying to please him and win his favor. She was just one of many and no one special.

She had not bothered to show him kindness when he had been down on his luck. But now, here she was, trying to earn his favor after he had risen to fame and fortune.

The same gesture of kindness that would have meant a world of difference then meant little now.

Sometimes, Ye Yu-Yan would wonder what would have happened if she had not been so obnoxious and arrogant then. If she had been kinder to her cousin, perhaps Ye Fan would treat her differently now.

They might share a close friendship like the one that Ye Fan shared with Shin Yu-Xiang.

But it was too late now.

Ye Yu-Yan shook her head. She cast aside the tangled thoughts in her head and assumed the look of deference that she had always shown Ye Fan. "Instructor Chu, I've booked the plane tickets to Yanjing. There's a car waiting for you outside.

When do you intend to head to Jianghai International Airport?"

There were three formations in the Greater Invoke the Celestial Sky Formation.

The primary formation had been set up in Yunzhou while the other two secondary formations would be placed in Jingzhou and Yanjing.

Ye Fan had three persons whom he must protect at all costs.

The first was his wife, Qiu Mu-Cheng.

The second was his mother, Ye Xi-Mei.

The third was his childhood friend, Xu Lei.

Ye Fan had known of Xu Lei's feelings for him for a long time.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

They had missed each other.

If he had not been cast out of the Chu family and had not been separated from Xu Lei for a decade, he might have ended up marrying her instead.

But fate enjoyed playing games. The calamity that had befallen Ye Fan then had cost them love.

When they had next met again after ten years, the young man whom Xu Lei had grown up with had become someone's husband.

Honestly, a ripple of emotion had stirred in Ye Fan's heart when he had found out that Xu Lei had been the young girl that he had grown up with.

But it had been too late. He already had a family and a wife. He had left Xu Lei with a lifelong regret.

Even though he couldn't promise Xu Lei a life together, he could still promise her a life of happiness that was free from worry.

He wasn't doing this because he was obsessed with her or because he still loved her. He was doing this because she had stayed by his side during his darkest moments in the Chu family.

Ye Fan was a deeply loyal man who stood by his family, his friends and his lover.

He would never leave someone who had treated him kindly in the lurch.

Not Qiu Mu-Cheng, not Xu Lei, not even Shin Yu-Xiang, whom he had gotten into fights and skipped classes with during their schooling days.

He had completed the secondary formation in Jingzhou during the few days he had spent in the city. The Ye family home was now protected by the formation in Jingzhou.

Besides Mount Yunding Villa, the Ye family home was the safest place in the whole of Jiangdong.


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