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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1500

"What did you just say? Your cause lies elsewhere?" Ye Qing-Tian's eyes widened when he heard that. "Ye Fan, are you serious? We're talking about a permanent position as a supreme grandmaster in War God Castle. You will be one of the four most powerful martial artists in China. You will rise to the top of the Chinese martial arts circle and gain control over the entire country's martial arts circle. This is the greatest honor one could have as a martial artist. Every martial artist's lifelong dream is to join War God Castle. Yet, you seem not to care about that at all.”

Ye Qing-Tian was incredulous.

He didn't understand the young man before him at all.

Ye Fan had shown little interest in being made a supreme grandmaster as well.

Back then, Ye Qing-Tian had attributed Ye Fan's lack of interest to the fact that the title held no formal powers.

But the young man remained completely uninterested even after he had told him that he wanted to recommend him a position in the most powerful organization in the Chinese martial arts circle.

"Ye Fan, why did you enter the martial arts circle and amass so much power? Why, if not for fame, for wealth or for power? Did you truly become a martial artist because of your passion for martial arts? Do you have no other desires?" Ye Qing-Tian's eyes were filled with puzzlement.

He had not expected Ye Fan's indifference.

He couldn't help but be curious. Why had Ye Fan begun training in martial arts?

He wasn't going to believe that Ye Fan had done it for no reason at all.

He must have endured terrible hardships and ordeals to have gotten to where he was today at such a young age.

You had to cut your finger on your instrument before you could master it.

Only those who had survived the torments of hell gained the power to shape


There was a reason for everything. There must be a reason driving Ye Fan to endure the terrible hardships and ordeals of a martial artist.

Ye Qing-Tian had thought the reason had been fame and power.

But it appeared that he had been wrong.

That wasn't what Ye Fan truly wanted at all.

Ye Fan did not answer Ye Qing-Tian's question.

He simply placed his teacup down, then turned away and gazed at the lake before him. The expression on his face grew solemn. "Do you really want to know?"

"Of course, as long as you're willing to tell me. I'm truly curious. What cause has driven you to such heights?" There was a hint of urgency to Ye Qing-Tian's words. His level-headed composure gave way to a fierce curiosity.

Ye Fan smiled lightly. "I didn't do it for fame or power. I did it because of something that happened to me in the past, because of the shame I suffered then. Those were memories that I never wish to remember. Honestly, I did it because I wanted revenge. For many years, I trained hard to become stronger so that I could return to the place that brought my mother and me so much shame and suffering. Through my own power, I want to reclaim the dignity that I lost. I want to avenge my mother and right the wrongs that she suffered. I want everyone who looked down on me, who pushed me around and who insulted me to regret their actions."

The wintry wind sent the snow into a flurried dance.

Countless ripples broke the calm surface of the lake before them.

Ye Fan stood in the wind, his hands folded behind his back and no hint of emotion on his face.

No one knew the sharp and cold edges

digging into his heart as he spoke.

Despite so much time that had passed, Ye Fan could still remember everything that had happened that year clearly, as if they were happening again, right before his eyes.

The helplessness and despair that he had felt when his cries for help had gone unanswered and the shame that he had felt when he had suffered the abuse and mockery of others had left scars in Ye Fan's soul that would never disappear.


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