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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1504

A teasing voice filled the room.

The man who had spoken was a burly looking man with a white headscarf on his head. He was dressed like a Persian.

If Ye Fan were here right now, he would know whom this man was. He was Gaia, the Persian King.

He had been tasked to get rid of a few of the Chu family's lackeys in Korea before meeting up with Ye Fan in China.

The beautiful woman who had joined him on his mission was the Great Healer Chandra.

She wasn't interested in violence and had been sitting there quietly like an observer.

Gaia was the one who was charged with killing people.

"Are you deaf? I'm asking you a question. Why aren't you answering me?" Gaia glared at them.

A sudden wind stirred in the room.

Alarm flashed across the faces of the Lee family as fear filled their eyes.

"Sir, we...we can't betray the Chu family. You know the power and clout that the Chu family possesses. They won't let us live if we betray them," an elderly man amongst the group said bitterly.

Gaia slammed his fist on the table and broke it into pieces instantly.

The porcelain cups on the table fell and shattered upon impact with the ground while the tea within stained the floor dark.

"You're worried about the Chu family coming after you? Well, aren't you afraid that I'll kill you right now?” Gaia thundered. "I don't have time to waste on you. I'm going to kill you now if you don't change your minds."

Gaia wasn't a patient man. He had shown them the greatest extent of his patience by staying his hand for so long.

It had been days since the Dragon God Token had been activated. He had to head to China as soon as possible after he was done with matters here.

"Sir, you're being unreasonable and uncompassionate. Aren't you worried that the Chu family will come after you? I am certain that a similarly terrible fate awaits you if you kill us today. The extent of the Chu family's might is beyond your imagination," a member of the Lee family shot back at Gaia. It seemed that there were a few gutsy men in the family after all.

"Silence, Bo! You're being disrespectful to our guest!" yelled an elder of the Lee family in alarm.

But he was too late.

Something came slashing at the young man like a blade.

The sound of skin and flesh being sliced sounded in the hall.

The young man didn't even get the chance to cry out before he collapsed into a heap on the ground.

Blood spurted violently from his neck and pooled around his corpse.

The glaring red of fresh blood colored everyone's vision.

A deathly silence descended upon the vast hall instantly.

Was this what a supreme grandmaster was capable of?

He could kill someone as easily as snapping his fingers.

Gaia's display of his terrifying prowess shocked everyone present.

The head of the Lee family finally caved to the fear of death and agreed to announce their family clan's split with the Chu family.

"That's great. You should have agreed sooner. What was all that fuss about?" Gaia threw a black card at them as he grumbled.

"This is Hongqi Bank's black card. Transfer the Lee clan's funds to this card. You'll

have to seek the Dragon God Hall's permission to use these funds."



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