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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1527

Ye Fan seemed unaffected by the Xu family's angry tirade.

It seemed as though he wasn't bothered by them in the slightest.

The Xu and Wei families meant nothing to Ye Fan. Even if the entire world insulted him, it meant nothing to Ye Fan.

Very few in the world were capable of moving Ye Fan.

There was Yu Yun from back then, Qiu Mu-Cheng in Yunzhou, and Xu Lei. Other than them, there was his family and friends.

The rest of the world was nothing but ants to him.

Ye Fan just looked on coldly and was unaffected by this public condemnation.

He even reached his arm out to hug Xu Lei and comforted her gently, "Lei, don't be upset. It's not worth feeling guilty over these old fogeys." "Okay." Xu Lei leaned against Ye Fan's chest. However, fear and worry remained on her face.

Perhaps she wasn't simply just upset about getting scolded by her family and was concerned about Ye Fan's safety as well.

She had caused this to happen.

If anything happened to Ye Fan, how could she live in peace?

The sound of the Xu family's scolding continued to echo through the halls.

However, a raging wind suddenly swept by and left dust scattering in the air as it made the doors and windows shake.

It felt like a typhoon was passing through.


"What's happening?"

"What's going on?"

Everyone in the estate went into a

commotion and shocked voices filled the air.

Before anyone realized what was happening, a thunderous rumbling reverberated throughout the house.

It was so loud that even the earth trembled.

Someone in the estate shouted in shock as he pointed up ahead, "Heavens! Look at that! What's that?”

Everyone turned to look in the direction he was pointing to see countless dark shadows quietly appearing in the sky.

At first, it was just a small speck. Before long, it became increasingly larger and larger until countless choppers came into their line of sight.

Everyone was instantly shocked and stared with their eyes wide as though they had seen a ghost.

"Look at all those choppers!”

"Does this mean...that the Wei family has arrived?"

Xu Wen-Qing and the others looked on in shock as their faces trembled.

Wei Luo had noticed the commotion as well and turned to look into the sky.

He smiled the moment he saw those choppers.

"My family is here! Ye Fan, you are dead meat! Our fighters are going to cut you to pieces and make you die a terrible death in a minute." Wei Luo gritted his teeth and stood up as he laughed madly with joy.

He gave a sinister looking smile as he waved to the choppers in the air.

Wei Luo grew up in the Wei family, so he naturally recognized his family's choppers.

However, Wei Luo was surprised to see that the family had sent so many people to come and rescue him.

There were at least a few dozen choppers


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