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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1538

The crowd surged outside the Xu estate as they watched a young man and a young woman get off the car and walk over.

Wei Chen kowtowed. "The Wei family deserves to die a thousand times. Please forgive us, Mr Chu!"

The Xu family also bowed and said, "Please forgive us, Mr Chu!"

Lu He and Xur Hai-Sheng, who were waiting in the hall, also paid obeisance apologetically, "Mr Chu, we are here to ask for forgiveness!"

Everyone bowed to Ye Fan reverently as they looked at him in admiration.

However, Ye Fan was unmoved by their waves of apology.

His face was completely expressionless.

All these rich and powerful people were nothing in Ye Fan's eyes.

"Heavens! Is this the man whom all these elite families are bowing to?"

"l-isn't he a little too young? He must be 20 at best. Shouldn't he be in college?"

The crowd outside went crazy when they saw Ye Fan.

They thought that the man who could make all these elite families submit must be some man in his 40s at least. But he turned out to be shockingly young.

"Wow! Hannan, Yingying, look! He is so young that it feels as though he is around our age. There is certainly talent among the young. Oh no! I think I have a crush on him. I have no immunity against outstanding men like him."

Just as everyone reeled in shock at Ye Fan's young age, Chen Nan's friend, Su Mu-Mu, had fallen for the young man completely and her eyes were filled with admiration.

What kind of men was the most charming?

He didn't need to be good-looking or rich. He just needed to be truly outstanding.

Their powerful aura was capable of sweeping any woman off her feet.

Su Mu-Mu and even the typically independent Wang Ming-Ming, couldn't help being smitten by him.

Their faces blushed crimson as they spoke with exhilaration.

"Talented men are always the most attractive!"

"Nannan, see what I mean by there are better fish out there?"

"No matter how good your Fan is, can he compare to this guy?"

"He might have power in a tiny place like Jiangdong, but this Mr Chu is the most powerful man in the country."

"The Wei clan and all the Yanjing elite have come to bow to him!"

"If any one of us can win his heart, we can die without regrets."

Wang Ying-Ying and Su Mu-Mu kept speaking in excitement as they praised the young man before them and belittled the man Chen Nan loved.

"Hmm? Why aren't you talking, Nannan? Seriously, that Fan can't compare to this man, so you should give up already. There are plenty offish in the sea. Considering how pretty and smart you are, you deserve better." Wang Ying-Ying suddenly noticed Chen Nan’s silence the moment this man appeared.

She turned to look at Chen Nan curiously.

The moment she turned, she saw Chen Nan crying.

"Nannan, what happened?"

"Why are you suddenly crying?"

"Did you get startled by Mr Chu's presence?"

Su Mu-Mu and Wang Ying-Ying were alarmed to see Chen Nan cry and didn't know what had gotten into her.

However, Chen Nan said nothing as she looked at the familiar silhouette from behind with tears in her eyes.

She couldn't help sobbing sadly.

"You are scaring me. What has gotten into you?" Wang Ying-Ying was even more worried.


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