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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1548

"Mr Chu?” Lin Nan-Hai probed when Ye Fan didn't respond even after a long time.

However, Ye Fan remained silent.

Zhang Cheng-Hu helped to persuade Ye Fan as well. "Mr Chu, Mayor Lin came here just to invite you for dinner when he found out you were in town. Considering how sincere he is, why don't you stay for dinner so that Mayor Lin and I can play host?"

Zhang Cheng-Hu smiled before he looked at Li Er in the hope that Li Er could help convince Ye Fan.

The car window finally wound down to reveal Ye Fan's handsome profile.

Although Lin Nan-Hai had learned from Zhang Cheng-Hu that Ye Fan was a success despite his age, he was shocked to see how young Ye Fan was when he met him in person for the first time.

"Can we leave now?”

Ye Fan's calm voice rang while Lin Nan-Hai was in a daze.

Zhang Cheng-Hu and Lin Nan-Hai froze for a moment when they heard what Ye Fan said.

Zhang Cheng-Hu nodded and replied. "Oh! Of course, of course! Mayor Lin and I came over to make sure they let you pass."

Lin Nan-Hai nodded and said, "That's right. There was a misunderstanding earlier. I will take care of the traffic police who were rude to you."

Lin Nan-Hai turned to look at the two traffic policemen hiding behind. "You two have caused huge trouble. How dare you just hide by the side? Get over here and apologize to Mr Chu!" Lin Nan-Hai shouted sternly and left them trembling.

However, Liang said softly in panic, "We were just following orders. We received orders that no cars are allowed to pass unless they are from the army, right?"

"Nonsense!" shouted Lin Nan-Hai. "Mr Chu is going home to visit his family. How can this be considered unimportant? From now on, keep your eyes open. If you ever see Mr Chu's car again, you have to let him through! Do you hear me?"

Lin Nan-Hai spoke very loudly, as though he wanted Ye Fan to hear how much respect he was according him.

The traffic police were very low ranking officers, so they had no choice but to just listen and not argue.

But Ye Fan was accustomed to this sort of flattery, so it didn't have any effect on him.

He merely waved his hand and gestured for Li Er to drive on.

"Mr Chu, are you really not going to stay for dinner? He is the city mayor after all. Isn't it impolite?" asked Li Er.

Li Er felt that it was rude of Ye Fan to leave without even entertaining them.

Ye Fan laughed gently. "They can plan dinner, but I get to decide whether or not to go. It has nothing to do with courtesy. Let’s go. Stop wasting time."

Li Er's eyes twitched.

It was certainly Ye Fan's style to disregard a mayor's feelings.

The car engine rumbled as Ye Fan and Li Er drove off to Jingzhou.

Zhang Cheng-Hu and Lin Nan-Hai were just left behind like that. They were both shocked and embarrassed by the response from Ye Fan.

"Humph! Who does he think he is? How dare he disrespect me despite the respect I’ve shown him?" shouted Lin Nan-Hai uncontrollably in a stern tone.

Ye Fan's attitude had clearly made Lin Nan-Hai angry.

All these years, he had never suffered such disdain.

It was one thing to refuse to have dinner, but completely rude to not even greet him.

What did Mr Chu mean by this?

He clearly had no regard for Lin Nan-Hai at all!

"What is this bloody Mr Chu? He might have a fancy title as the King of Jiangdong, but in reality, he's just a thug. He'd better not let me catch him with his pants down! Otherwise, I will personally put him behind bars in a split second!"

Lin Nan-Hai was so furious that fire nearly spewed from his eyes.

Zhang Cheng-Hu pulled Lin Nan-Hai back. "Mayor Lin, watch your words! It will land you in trouble one day. Don't ever say such things again. If Mr Chu ever catches wind of it, we would have a hard time surviving in Yinan!"

Zhang Cheng-Hu's face blanched as he did his utmost to persuade Lin Nan-Hai.


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