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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1598

Done with the plan to deal with Ye Fan, the massive meeting the War God Castle held was nearing its end.

There were still a few issues remaining, such as the expansion progress of martial arts in each area, and their guidance and opinions on the matter.

After another three hours, the meeting finally ended.

But the crowd didn't disperse even though the meeting had ended. They had all gathered at the Mount Yan Hotel for a banquet.

There was even some performance to watch at night.

“Congratulations, King of Fighters.”

“I heard your skills are on par with the head of the Chu Sect in the recent battle.”

“It seems your current ability had transcended to another level.”

“Before long, your ranking among the Supreme will rise again.”

Everyone at the banquet was happily exchanging pleasantries and toasts.

The supreme grandmasters within the crowd were the targets for the praises and flattery.

Especially so for the King of Fighters due to his recent battle with Tang Yun.

Many had come up to Mo Gucheng and asked him about the details of his fight with Tang Yun.

He didn't omit any detail and retold the scene where he had beaten Tang Yun.

The entire hall was resonating with cheers and praises.

“Oh God!”

“You're amazing, King of Fighters!”

“You were so close to killing her!”

“Soon, your name will appear on the top ten of the Sky Ranking.”

The majority chorused their praises at him.

“There's no way I'll be enlisted into the top ten.

“She suffered an injury then. Else, I couldn't have fought and won against the strongest fighter on the Sky Ranking alone.”

The King of Fighters laughed merrily.

“You don't have to be so humble.”

“Even if she had an injury, she was still the head of Chu Sect.”

“In the martial art world, only you were capable to deal a serious blow to the head of Chu Sect.”

The crowd continued to sing his praises.

The King of Fighters laughed gleefully. He felt like he was the king of the world at that moment, as though he had the ability to defeat the head of the Chu Sect.

“Wake up.”

“Stop bragging.”

“Watch your mouth in case Tang Yun comes back later. The more they sing your praises now, the more you will be humiliated later.”

At Mo Gucheng's proud look, Tang Hao rolled his eyes as he reminded the former.

“They dare to come here?”

“I'll obliterate them all if they dare to step foot here.”

“How could they insult China's martial arts as they please?” Mo Gucheng said arrogantly, as he gulped down the spirits in his glass.

It was as though all his pride and dignity were in the spirits he had gulped down his throat.


Suddenly a loud, thundering sound pierced through their ears.

The grand front door of the hotel was smashed into pieces as if lightning had struck.

The glow from the moon outside had shone into the room through the cracked doors and windows.

Simultaneously, two elderly figures appeared in front of their eyes.

One was dressed in black while the other was in white.

They had similar figures, faces, and presences as though they were the black and white devils from hell.

The moment they appeared, a gust of strong wind carrying an intense pressure swept across the entire hall.

Under the dense pressure, the crowd started trembling from the fear creeping up their spine.

Even the elite Grandmaster, Van Buping instinctively took a few steps back.

It was terrifying enough with just the pressure they were emitting.

The crowd couldn't imagine how horrifying it would be if they fought with all their might.

At that moment, Van Buping's and the crowd's hearts lurched. Their pupils constricted with fear, staring at the two figures with a mask of dread.

There was only one thought racing across their mind.

Who the heck are these two?

“l-lsn't that the blazing sun with clouds mark?”


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