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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1610

She could not bear to see Ye Fan get hurt, but the thought of being cast aside made her heart wrench.

Perhaps that was what life was about.

Poor or wealthy, diseased or healthy, each soul endeavored to find its purpose in life.

Back when Ye Fan still lived with her under her parents' roof, Qiu Mucheng's worries revolved around money and their future together.

Now that she had everything could have ever dreamed of and more, she expected to be happy and content.

However, she was greeted with the opposite.

There was a void in her heart that only Ye Fan's care and company could fill, but he was hardly around to do so.

Each stage of life had its own dilemmas and concerns.

Wealth did not promise happiness, and mediocrity did not guarantee misery.

Those who could appreciate the little things in life were the ones who would find bliss.

The Qiu Mucheng today sat on a pile of riches, but all she desired was Ye Fan's love and care.

A successful career and a happy life ever after. Are they too much to ask for?

Back then, Ye Fan would pour all his time and energy into caring for Qiu Mucheng, but his efforts were unrecognized by many.

Now that he had risen to the top and gained authority over Jiangdong, he could shower Qiu Mucheng with extravagant treasures, but at the cost of his company and tender loving care.

These were lessons that could only be learned through experience.

If they could go back in time, Qiu Mucheng would rather Ye Fan stay as the unremarkable live-in son-in-law.

Perhaps it meant living a mundane life, but after goingthrough innumerable challenges, Qiu Mucheng realized that the key to happiness was simplicity.

Qiu Mucheng had implored Ye Fan multiple times to let go of the wealth and revert to their quiet life.

Even so, she was well aware that going against the current was an arduous task.

Now that Ye Fan had reached the higher rungs of the societal ladder, it was hard to descend it.

There were elements that were beyond their control.

The days of peace and quiet were long gone, and the youth who had eyes for her alone now only lived in her memories.

Tears streamed silently down her face.

Qiu Mucheng could not fathom the surge of emotion.

Perhaps it was regret for her impatience toward Ye Fan when he was just an average man, or maybe remorse for taking their peaceful lives for granted.

Above all, Qiu Mucheng lamented her fervid desire to become extraordinary then.

Had it not been for her wishes, Ye Fan would have never established Mufan Group, let alone become Mr. Chu of Jiangdong.

If they had gone down that course of life, they would not be where they were today, with their peaceful life shattered time and time again.

“What's wrong? You don't believe that he's going to show up too?” Meng Wanyu snickered when she noticed Qiu Mucheng's reddened eyes.

Her laugh was mirthless and sardonic.

“What a cruel guy. The coldest thing in this world is none other than a man's heart. I've come across too many womanizers in my life. You can accompany him through the darkest times of his life, but he'll gladly welcome another woman into his arms when he reaches the peak,” she derided.

“At times, I really don't understand you stupid women. History has shown over and over again that men are not trustworthy, yet you throw yourselves at them like moths to a flame. How are they worthy of your love and devotion? The same goes for Angie! Why are you crying, Qiu Mucheng? Stop it! No one will pity you, especially not that scum. Men will feel no guilt or remorse over breaking your heart. In fact, they'll probably gloat over the fact that you can't live without them! You've given your whole heart to him, yet he returns your sincerity with betrayal,” Meng Wanyu ranted angrily.

Her words were like spears, piercing Qiu Mucheng's heart and leaving behind a mutilated mess.

Meng Wanyu's baseless accusations made Qiu Mucheng even more upset.

“Stop it! I won't let you speak of Ye Fan in that manner. He's not like that. He's not!” Qiu Mucheng shook her head vehemently, tears streaking down her face. It was hard to tell if she was trying to convince Meng Wanyu or herself.

“You're still clinging onto that shred of hope? You still have faith in him?” Exasperated, Meng Wanyu let out a bark of laughter.

“If he really was a compassionate person, why would he be nowhere to be found when you're in trouble? If he truly loved you, would he flirt with other women in foreign countries, where your eyes can't see? If he even had a heart, he could never bear to see you suffer for three days without coming to your aid,” Meng Wanyu tried to hammer her point into Qiu Mucheng's head.


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