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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1615

Even though Qiu Mucheng's voice wasn't loud, the authority of her words stunned the crowd, including her parents.

Even Qiu Mucheng's best friend, Su Qian, stared at her with widened eyes.

All this while, Su Qian assumed that Qiu Mucheng stayed by Ye Fan's side not because of her feelings for him but out of habit instead.

She always thought Qiu Mucheng didn't abandon Ye Fan due to the platonic bond they shared.

However, she no longer thought that way because she now knew that Qiu Mucheng had truly fallen in love with Ye Fan.

In fact, the woman was so deeply in love with him that there was no way she could pull herself out.

My bounty is as boundless as the sea, my love as deep; the more I give to thee, the more I have, for both are infinite.

At that very moment, the quote about eternal love kept flashing in Su Qian's head.

Indeed, her words do carry the meaning of “For richer or poorer, till death do us part. ”

Consequently, Su Qian felt that she should be happy for her friend.

At the very least, Qiu Mucheng had found a man whom she was willing to sacrifice herself for.

From the perspective of a woman, this was bliss and something to be envious about.

After all, only love could bring meaning to one's lives.

Unfortunately, Qiu Mucheng's parents didn't share Su Qian's sentiments.

“You've gone mad, you foolish girl. Ye Fan doesn't care about you anymore, and yet, you're willing to die for him? Are you trying to kill us both? Despite how shrewd your father and I are, how did we end up having a blunderous daughter like you? I don't care what you want. You are definitely leaving with us today because we are the ones who gave you your life. You have no right to give it up for his sake.”

Just like a raving madwoman, Han Li exploded at Qiu Mucheng as she tried to forcibly make her daughter leave.

Nevertheless, Qiu Mucheng had steeled her resolve and naturally ignored Han Li's rants.

After shoving Han Li aside, she walked bravely toward the five Grandmasters.

With an indifferent expression, she declared coldly, “I, Qiu Mucheng, am Ye Fan of Jiangdong's wife. As my husband isn't in Jiangdong today, I shall deal with Jiangdong's affairs in his stead. Gentlemen, whatever grouses you may have, you can inform me about them and I will personally pass Ye Fan the message when he returns.”

She continued, “However, before you do that, let me first warn you. Ye Fan has always been steadfast in his principles throughout his life. Consequently, the rumors about him working with the enemy to betray the country are just baseless accusations. As a result, I hope that you gentlemen do not sully my husband's reputation indiscriminately!”

Qiu Mucheng didn't mince her words at all, as she was unfazed by the domineering aura of the five Grandmasters.

In response, the look Yan Buping and the other Grandmasters gave Qiu Mucheng couldn't help but change slightly.

“Given that Ye Fan is a coward to not show his face, we didn't expect him to have such a courageous wife. In fact, you are in no way inferior to him at all. It's just a shame that you have been wasted on a scum like him. If you were still single, I would be glad to matchmake you with my grandson. Unfortunately, you have been sullied by Ye Fan and missed the opportunity.”

Shaking his head as he spoke, Ke Zhe gave Qiu Mucheng a sympathetic look.

“Nevertheless, it's pointless to defend him despite your loyalty to him. After all, it's an irrefutable fact that he has betrayed his country. If you are looking to plead mercy for him, I would advise you to tell him to come out of hiding and turn himself in. Perhaps, the War God Castle of China would spare his life and look past his impulsiveness.”

Ke Zhe spoke with a condescending tone as if he was an imperial commissioner questioning a criminal.

“Haha... Hahaha...”


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