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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 164

"Mu-Cheng, have you gone mad?"

"How can you walk away with this piece of trash?”

"How are you going to survive after you leave the Qiu family?"

"How are you going to be able to support us?"

"Do you expect us to starve together with you?"

"Damn it! You have really gone insane!"

Within the family hall, Master Qiu was not the only person angered by Qiu Mu-Cheng's decision to leave with Ye Fan. Both Han Li and Qiu Lei were also lashing out madly at their daughter.

They had not imagined that their daughter would rather get kicked out of the family and lose her job at the company than divorce Ye Fan.

What was even more incredulous to the couple was the fact that not only had their daughter left willingly with Ye Fan, she had also stupidly declared that she would rather till the field in the countryside with him than remain with the Qiu family.

"You may be willing to go till the field in the countryside, but we don't want to!"

"We will not be able to withstand that sort of torture!"

"Can you really bear to make us suffer?"

"How can you be so unfilial?"

"You do not have my permission to leave with this piece of trash! You come back right now!”

Han Li and Qiu Lei were both rebuking their daughter angrily.

At this moment, the Qius who had assembled in the hall were looking on as Qiu Mu-Cheng and her parents made fools of themselves.

"This Qiu Mu-Cheng is completely beyond hope."

"Because of a piece of trash like him, she is even willing to go be a farmer in the countryside?"

"Oh well. Without protection from our family, besides farm work in the countryside, what else can they do?"

"I think they can only go beg in the streets."

Wang Qiao-Yu was delighting in Qiu Mu-Cheng's and her family's misfortune. As she watched the skit unfold before her, she felt thoroughly satisfied.

Some time ago, Wang Qiao-Yu and her family had made fools of themselves when they invited their relatives to dinner at the Yunjing Hotel. Wang Qiao-Yu could still remember the mocking that had come from Han Li and Qiu Lei.

But now, the wheel of fortune had turned against them.

From today onward, Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family would become the laughing stocks of the Qiu family.

But that was not an accurate statement. From today onward, they would no longer be members of the Qiu family.

"Qiu Mu-Cheng does not know what is good for her. She is asking for trouble for herself, so she has no right to blame us."

"I think this is the first time I have seen that idiot go against the family head for the sake of her country bumpkin?"

"And she even said she would rather go till the field than stay with us. What an idiot."

"The old man values his reputation the most. He is definitely mad at her right now!"

Qiu Mu-Ying's and Chu Wen-Fei's faces had swollen up like a couple of pufferfish but, inwardly, they were feeling rather satisfied.

A long-time mortal malady had finally been removed.

"Qiu Mu-Cheng, Qiu Mu-Cheng, this is what you get for going against me."

"After you are gone, I, Qiu Mu-Ying, will become the general manager of Qiushui Logistics. The reins of power will fall into my hands and the money will come rolling in. Maybe, one day, Qiushui Logistics will fall into my lap and become the personal property of my husband and myself.”

"As for you, you will become a lowly countryside woman and spend your days engaging in backbending labor. You have already lost the right to become my opponent. For the rest of your life, you can only look up to me.”

Besides Qiu Mu-Ying's family, Jiang Hong, Qiu Guang and the other Qius were all sneering disdainfully as they watched Qiu Mu-Cheng and her family make fools of themselves.

It was clear what they were all thinking. Now that they were no longer members of the Qiu family, Qiu Mu-Cheng and her parents would become homeless and penniless. They would most definitely suffer a most tragic ending.

"Well, they deserve it!"

"How dare they go against the family head?"

"This Qiu Mu-Cheng has become strong enough to leave the nest."

"A traitorous person like her deserves to be kicked out of the family."

"Whether she lives or dies, it is no longer our concern."

Qiu Guang's face was expressionless as he snorted heavily.

Meanwhile, Qiu Mu-Cheng's second aunt, Jiang Hong, was sneering without restraint.

"They are completely useless, but they behave like arrogant bastards in their daily lives."

"Let us see how they are going to survive from now on, without any protection from our family." "I only hope that, when they go around begging in the streets, they will refrain from telling others that their family name is Qiu."

All the Qius in the house looked on coldly with mocking smiles on their faces.


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