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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1645

“The Divine Dragon Punch!” The Sixth Elder thundered.

The next moment, he lunged toward Han like a beast pounding on its prey. As a massive wave of Qi emanated from his body, it was as though he was throwing explosive punches at the latter.

The massive force resulted in petrifying bonecracking sounds, sending Han flying. In an instant, his bones were broken, and there was a splatter of blood in the air.

After ramming into a row of big trees, he landed heavily on the ground.


Sprawling feebly, Han shuddered uncontrollably. The next moment, blood spurted out profusely from his mouth.

Wearing a look of sheer grimness, the Sixth Elder sneered, “Hmph! You're surely a dotard with strong stamina; but, I have had enough of that. I don't have much time to waste on you!”

Initially, he presumed it was a piece of cake to finish Han off. It never occurred to him that the so-called dotard had such a strong resilience.

Thus, he spent quite a lot of time before he managed to take Han down. His murderous intent became more intense as he felt a prickle of frustration.

Subsequently, he stomped on the ground, swirling a wave of Qi that shook the earth tremendously. Due to the strong vibration, the sword even flung out from the hand of one of the Chu family's fighters alongside him.

The Sixth Elder stretched out his hand to grab hold of the sword. As he advanced toward Han in slow motion, the ground seemed to shake whenever he stepped on it with a heavy thud.

His footsteps sounded as if the Grim Reaper was looming over the latter. The horrendous murderous intent engulfed the whole place instantly.

Meanwhile, Han was seemingly severely injured. There was blood in his nose and mouth. He could even feel the pain when he breathed. Apparently, he suffered severe internal injuries after the Sixth Elder's massive attack seconds ago.

Others would have met their ends after sustaining such a severe injury. Miraculously, Han was still able to stay conscious due to his hardiness as a martial artist and persistence to survive.

Nonetheless, he did not have any energy to retaliate. Gritting his teeth, he dragged his severely injured body breathlessly and leaned against the big tree behind him. Due to feebleness and blood loss, he started to fade in and out of consciousness.

Even so, he tried to keep his eyes widely opened by all means so he could look into the distance. It was as though a dying warrior was yearning to catch a final glimpse of his respectful king again before breathing his last breath.

Thump! Thump! Thump!

The Sixth Elder's footsteps were getting closer. Surprisingly, Han did not even feel the slightest bit of fear at the approaching moment of death.

He only felt a rush of utter regret crashing into his heart!

Ever since he infiltrated the Chu family ten years ago, he had been waiting for that young man's reappearance in anticipation. It was as though he had been hoping day and night to free himself from the shackle of total darkness for the past ten years.

He had waited for it for ages. After what seemed like an eternity, the young man was finally on his way there.

Nonetheless, Han could feel that he was meeting his end soon and might not be able to see the sunrise again. Deep down, he was grief-stricken as he could not live long for the return of his young master.

Lying feebly next to the old tree, Han looked into the distance as he cited a poem from Michael Prochaska, enunciating every single word sorrowfully, "A bright radiant flash scorches the cloudless horizon. And ashes drift upward, caressing my bare, dangling feet. Bleak, barren, biting malice below seems blazon. But the dead know not the sentiment of defeat...”

Tears of utter sorrow trickled down his cheeks.

Mustering up his strength before breathing his last breath, he stared into the distance and wailed indignantly, “Young Master, I'm a worthless dotard. I'm sorry for not being able to hang on till your arrival...”

His wail of anguish resonated across the entire sky.

On the other hand, the Sixth Elder swung his sword ruthlessly. In a split second, the tip of his whizzing weapon was only inches from Han's neck! It seemed he was planning to end everything by beheading Han!


The Sixth Elder was about to slash Han.

Right that instant, there was a gust of strong wind from nowhere. Next, an unrivaled sword aura pierced through the air at amazingly high speed and collided with his sword.



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