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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1671

Having been the site of such a ferocious battle, the surface of Mount Chumen chipped and crumbled as it braced steadfast against the fury of the combatants.

AU over the grounds, miniature whirlwinds appeared as remnants of energy from up above sent the sand swirling uncontrollably.

The sky glowed crimson as the youth and his uncle were engaged in a final confrontation atop Mount Chumen.

As the battle above began to slow down, the crowd below held their breath.

Aaron was astonished by the fact that Ye Fan could hold his own against Chu Zhengliang with a counterfeit version of Invoke the Celestial Sky for so long.

“That's not right,” murmured an elder Chu who had been watching the fight with a knitted brow. “Though the b*stard's execution of Invoke the Celestial Sky was indeed not as powerful as Chu Zhengliang's, every subsequent move of his is more powerful than the last if you'd notice. Every move he executes lays the groundwork for the next. With no trace of delay between each move, they connect seamlessly into one huge and extremely powerful move.”

The elder continued, with every member of the audience listening to him with rapt attention. “The last move especially had gained the momentum of the prior three moves and was even more powerful than all the rest combined. All four moves of Invoke the Celestial Sky as executed by Chu Zhengliang were equally powerful, no doubt. But as each of the moves appeared equally powerful, they seemed like four disjointed moves with no sense of continuation.”

Though he spoke softly, his apprehension was becoming increasingly apparent.

Upon witnessing Red Flame Finger executed by Ye Fan, the elder wondered if Chu Zhengliang's version was the abridged one and if Ye Fan's version was what their ancestral technique was meant to look like instead.

The members of the Chu family were shocked at the elder's hypothesis because they did not expect him to favor Ye Fan. “Do you mean to say that Mr. Chu is going to lose?”

The old man shook his head. “It's too soon to say. In terms of the level of mastery of technique, I would have to say that Chu Tianfan is stronger, though I hate to admit it. However, Chu Zhengliang excels in the depth of his powers. I have no doubt that the young man could not best him. However, under these circumstances and the assortment of surprises we have witnessed, the outcome of the battle is at this point extremely uncertain.”

The elder remained gravely impassive. When he spoke, his gaze was fixed on the chaos of the battle ahead.

He had been through many battles himself in his prime and had accumulated a vast store of experience.

His martial instinct was honed to such a degree that he could discern the outcome of any battle at a glance.

For the first time, the outcome of a battle eluded him.

No matter how the fight turns out, the b *stard has undeniably surprised us all today. It was a fatal decision for the old man to expel him from the Chu family back then.

If Chu Tianfan had remained within the family, he, along with his father and uncle, would have become

the top three fighters the world had ever seen.

Even the combined might of the Tang and Jones families would not have stood a chance.

In fact, the only person from the Tang family who could have stood a chance against Chu Zhengliang was Tang Yun.

The Jones family fared even worse. For over two generations, they could not produce a single fighter.

Since Chu Tianfan's expulsion, the Chu family had forever lost a talented fighter to represent their banner.

Chu Zhenghong undoubtedly would not accept the fact that his own son had been expelled and walked out on the family as well.

All of this had led to the Chu family facing the loss of two fighters who could have been the top three of the Sky Ranking. Even worse, expulsion had created two mortal enemies for the Chu family to deal with.

The head of elders wore a gloomy expression. I sincerely hope that Chu Zhengliang would be able to win this time. Otherwise, the final shred of dignity of our family would be taken away from us.

The onlookers said nothing as they stared anxiously into the distance and awaited the outcome of the battle.

At that point, the atmosphere was tense as the crowd collectively holding their breath.

Despite the thousands who had gathered atop Mount Chumen, the silence was so palpable that it was unnerving to behold.

After an indefinite amount of time, the tempest finally began to clear.


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