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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1709

“Ye... Ye Fan?”

Ye Qingtian was absolutely dumbfounded the moment he recognized the familiar face.

Yet, he was not the only one bewildered. The big shots from Jiangdong who attended the funeral were equally taken aback.

Each of their eyes bore into the man as if they had just seen a ghost.

Ye Qingtian even started rubbing his eyes, wondering if he was hallucinating.

However, the figure remained there no matter how many times he tried to confirm his existence. Next, the figure started approaching him.

Just then, Ye Fan's usual lines rang clearly in his ears.

“What's wrong? Does the War God Castle want me dead so badly? Go back and convey my message to Sword Saint and the rest of the peeps that I'm alive and kicking!”

Then he added, “Also, I do not wish to see anyone from the War God Castle stepping foot into Jiangdong ever again, especially the Supremes who are deemed as the pillars of China. Otherwise, don't blame me if things turn ugly.”

Instead of catching up merrily over a drink, the reunion of two old friends ironically involved only hostile comments and scornful expressions.

Hearing this, Ye Qingtian froze. The pleasant surprise turned into an awful one almost instantly.

Soon enough, he was able to wrap his head around Ye Fan's evident antagonism against the War God Castle.

“Ye Fan, your safe return is the outcome both China and the War God Castle yearned to see most. Sword Saint and peeps have updated me about the incident at Mount Chumen. At that desperate moment, they had no other choice but to prioritize the bigger picture.”

Ye Qingtian continued explaining, “Ye Fan, you're a Supreme Grandmaster who leads at the forefront of this world. In fact, I can confidently proclaim that you're positioned at the topofthe chain of command in China. You can't be narrow-minded. At our level, we can't be self-centered when making a decision. A lot of times, we need to consider the different needs and perspectives. We need to think about what's best for a person, a matter, the entire race, for China, and millions in its population too!"

The War God had reprimanded Sword Saint for what happened at Mount Van, to the extent that the former wanted to strike the latter.

Even though Ye Qingtian was aware of that, he could not say anything bad about Sword Saint. The only thing he could do was to explain to Ye Fan on Sword Saint's behalf.

After all, both Sword Saint and Ye Fan were undoubtedly the most powerful assets in the martial arts world of China.

Considering that they were the pillars of China, Ye Qingtian did not want to intensify their rivalry. He tried to appease the situation and resolve the conflict between them, knowing that the future of the martial arts circles would be bright should its members be united.

As much as he abhorred what Sword Saint did, Ye Qingtian still had to justify for him.

Over the years, the War God had been playing the role of a parent, taking care of the nation and its people.

In this regard, War God and Sword Saint were very similar.

Their only difference was that War God was a visionary, but Sword Saint saw only what was beneficial in the short term.

War God planned ahead for what was to come for China in ten years or even decades.

From this incident, one could see that Sword Saint was afraid of being avenged by the Chu family if Ye Fan were to drag him down in the quandary.

On the other hand, War God valued what Ye Fan would become in ten or twenty years' time. He knew that Ye Fan had what it took to develop Chinese martial arts and make them the best in the world.

The difference between the two of them was indeed a vast gap.

That was why Sword Saint was only the Hall Master of the War God Castle, whereas War God Castle was regarded as the guardian of the nation. He was the symbol of religion among martial artists.

“Narrow-minded?” Ye Fan guffawed at that comment.

“Sorry, that's me.” His tone carried with it hints of mockery and disdain.

“War God, I've told you a long time ago that we aren't the same. Your parents and friends have passed on. You are all alone. Besides national affairs, you have nothing else to worry about. This isn't the case with me. I have my family, wife, and parents. In the future, I'll have my own children and even more comrades. My world is very small, and that's as big as my mindset can get.”


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