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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1721

“Who did you think had done it? If I tell you that she has been killed by the Chu family, are you going to avenge my sister?” Hearing what Ye Fan had said, Michael scoffed.

“Chu Tianfan, stop acting in front of me! Angie had been helplessly in love with you. And you? You are here enjoying yourself with another woman! Are you aware of how much Angie had sacrificed for you? Even when you told her that you do not want to have anything to do with her in this lifetime, Angie still thought about you. She had even ignored her family's advice and took a flight alone to come and look for you in China. It was all because of you! If it wasn't for you, Angie wouldn't have died in the plane crash. If it wasn't for you, Angie wouldn't have died at the peak of her youth!”

Perhaps, sorrow had overwhelmed him, for when Michael spoke, his eyes were red with fury.

When Ye Fan heard those words, he froze on the spot.

“What did you say? A-Angie came here to l-look for me? She died in that plane crash?”

At first, Ye Fan was stunned. Later on, he seemed to remember something and appeared dumbstruck.

“The news of the plane crash earlier on. T-That was the one that Angie was on?” Ye Fan's expression turned solemn.

“I'm sorry. I really had no idea about this. I didn't know that Angie will come to China to look for me.” Ye Fan sounded guilty.

It was apparent that he did not expect things to turn out this way.

Even more so, he had no idea that his decision had caused Angie her life.

“Sorry? Hahaha! Nice one! Angle's life is only worth a simple word of 'sorry' from you? Since you want to apologize, then go down and tell Angie yourself!” Michael was so furious that he led his subordinates in an attack on Ye Fan immediately.

However, there was no way that Gaius and the rest of them could stand there and watch their master get assaulted.

The Dragon Slayers defeated the Jones family in no time at all.

“All of you are really unreasonable. Our master is equally upset with Angie's death. Instead of finding the killer and the truth, you have come here to attack our master? If Angie isn't dead, she would have thought that her brother is an idiot! Furthermore, what has Angie's death got to do with our master? My master did not tell her to come! On the other hand, the Jones family has failed in protecting her. If anyone is at fault, then that person should have been you, her older brother!”

Faced with the attacks from the Jones family, Gaius felt indignant and found them rude and unreasonable.

“Hahaha! You sure know how to shun your responsibility. So, this is the man Angie loved? This is the man that Angie had traveled all this way for? Angie, why are you so stupid? A heartless man like him doesn't deserve your affection! An animal like Chu Tianfan doesn't deserve you at all...” Michael shook his head with a sad smile. He looked up at the sky and wept.

Michael felt that everything Angie had done was for nothing.

“How dare you! Who do you think you are to speak so rudely to the Dragon Master? Die!”

When Owen heard Michael insult Ye Fan, he could not stand it anymore.

His temper flared up and he let out a roar.

Potent Qi came down hard on the fighters of the Jones family. The tremendous power went through their bodies, and instantaneously, blood was splattered all over the ground.

“Stop it!"

Just as Gaius and the others were about to finish them off, Ye Fan stopped the Dragon Slayers.

He walked over to Michael, who was injured and lying on the ground, and said, “Mr. Jones, I am truly sorry about what has happened to Angie. I will get to the bottom of this. If I find out that someone has plotted this to harm Angie, I assure you I will avenge her. She is not just your sister but mine as well. I will not let her die in vain.” Ye Fan sounded resolute.

“Chu Tianfan, stop trying to confuse me. Since Ms. Tang has already taken Angie in as her disciple, who in this world will dare to harm her? She got into the accident because she wanted to look for you. You are the real killer! You are responsible for Angie's death!” Michael gritted his teeth and stared at Ye Fan with

pure hatred.


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