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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1731


Ye Fan swung his sword mercilessly along his way.

Every strike was followed by traces of blood behind.

Agonized wails reverberated around the entire place.

Right at this moment, Ye Fan looked like he was obsessed by demons as he helmed the sword effortlessly, as if he was putting up a performance.

The world was his stage and the bloodshed scene was the prettiest background.

Those desperate cries were the best music for this performance.

A month ago when Ye Fan reached Mount Chumen, all the paths were still clean and white.

He had never expected that he would be stepping on blood and corpses the second time he came to this place.

Just then, the reinforcements from the Jones family had arrived at the mountain feet.

Jones let the elites of theirfamily and rushed up the mountain.

However, the nearer they got, the more intimidated they became.

As they arrived at the scene, they paled in fright.

The color drained from their faces after they saw the scene before them.

“Mr. Jones, is this really Mount Chumen?”

The Jones family was terrified to the extent some of them even peed in their pants.

It did not look like Mount Chumen but rather a mass grave.

All the paths were covered in fresh blood.

Dead bodies littered all over the ground.

Most of the bodies were incomplete, and there were broken heads and limbs everywhere.

Jones broke out in cold sweat, and he was shook to his core.

“Dad, are we still heading up?”

Michael was terrified as well.

They had never seen such a brutal scene.

It happened at Mount Chumen, the most sacred place of martial arts in the world.

All the dead bodies belonged not to ordinary people.

Many of them were Guardians of the Chu Sect.

It took at least a Grandmaster to beat the Guardians of the Chu Sect.

Yet, those Guardians were lying on the ground like many useless animals.

The Jones family was worried they might end up in the same way if they confronted the enemy.

“Let's slow down.”

Bill recoiled in fear.

Regardless how much hatred and resentment he possessed, they could not be compared with the fear facing real death.

Indeed, Jones knew their standings well enough.

Based on the Jones family's current battle power, there was no way they could match with Ye Fan.

The only chance they had was to defeat him while he was badly injured.

Hence, slowing down their pace was undoubtedly their best choice at the moment.

As the Jones family was hesitating of approaching, Chu Shen had rushed back to the Chu residence.


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