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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1738

“i... i..."

Chu Zhengliang could not come up with a good excuse to explain himself.

His face turned white as a sheet when he knew he could no longer wash his hands of this.

Damn it! I shouldn't have said that!

Chu Zhengliang was too nervous that he accidentally blurted out what he knew, but he told himself he should still try his luck. “Stop trying to twist things! I know about it because I received intel from the Chu family! I was constantly informed about what happened around the world. There's nothing that goes unnoticed by my men. Not only do I know someone gorged out Angie's eyes, I also know that her body is in Jiangdong, China! God knows if you're the one who killed her and buried her there? You might well have asked her to go to China to look for you without telling anyone. You must have killed her because you coveted her powers! You're the only one who could've done it, so stop making it look as if I'm the culprit! Angie almost married my son, so her death will only be disadvantageous to me. I will never harm anyone my son loves. Neither will I do anything

to strain the relationship between the Three Families of the Chu Sect.”

Chu Zhengliang's tone became increasingly confident as he tried persuading the people.

He framed his case in such a way that it sounded convincing that Ye Fan was the one who masterminded all this.

Everyone in the Chu Sect was startled because what Chu Zhengliang said made sense too, but still, they did not know who to believe, so they dared not take sides.

Meanwhile, the Chu family, including Chu Shen, was quick to jump to Chu Zhengliang's side.

“This must be it! This guy must have crafted this whole plot himself. This must be his ploy to drive a wedge between the Three Families of the Chu Sect. Ms. Tang, you have to be careful of this man. You can't believe every word he said. Our family has always been upright and truthful. We will never hurt anyone defenseless. Besides, taking someone's eyes is just too cruel! We will never do something like that!” Chu Shen spoke first before the others.

“The head of the family already said that it's this young man who got her killed. He's spewing nonsense here and accusing other people of his crime. Ms. Tang, you have to make sure justice is dispensed,” yet another family member weighted in.

More and more people joined Chu Shen in makingthe same petition, imploring Tang Yun to give take Ye Fan's life so as to deliver justice on behalf of Angie, but Tang Yun already had a mind of her own.

Although there were still details of the happening which she was unaware of, what just happened between Ye Fan and Chu Zhengliang was telling enough. She was able to make an informed judgment based on what she witnessed between them.

“Silence!” she ordered.

“Your family has created enough problems for me!”

The Chu family kept their mouth shut, afraid of breathing another word.

The head of the Chu Sect turned toward Chu Zhengliang slowly. “You'd better pray hard that I don't find anything against you because if I do, I won't spare you even if Patriarch Chu is my master.”

Chu Zhengliang's heart skipped a beat when he heard

Tang Yun's warning, but he quickly collected himself and insisted that he was innocent.

“Ms. Tang! You have to believe me! I swear I didn't do it! I was busy making sure Qitian got the best treatment after the wedding that day. I didn't even see Ms. Jones after that. There's no way I did anything to her. You're the head of the three families. It's your responsibility to make a sound judgment for all parties involved. How could you just believe him over us? We're all from the Chu Sect!”

Chu Zhengliang first restated his defense and then accused Tang Yun of siding with an outsider.

He thought this could coerce the head of the sect to budge, but she did not. She was unperturbed.

Instead, he turned toward Ye Fan again. “Give me three days. I promise I will reveal the truth. If this is really Chu Zhengliang's doing, he will receive his due punishment. Even if it is someone else's doing, the Chu Sect will hunt that person down. Go back and wait for my news.”

Tang Yun gestured at Ye Fan, hoping he would let the matter rest for a bit.

“You're asking to retreat? Again?” Ye Fan sniggered.

“I did as you said last time, but look at what happened. I waited in China for the Chu family, but they disrespected me. The last time I did what you said, I got only humiliation and the news of Angie's death. Do you think I will follow what you say again? I already came all the way here alone. I'm not afraid of facing the whole Chu Sect on my own,” he stated in indignance.

Everyone who heard him was ruffled by his aggressive voice, but deep in his heart, Ye Fan was aggrieved by Angie's death.

“What do you want me to do then?” Tang Yun asked.


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