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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1751

Chu Zhengliang yelled at the top of his lungs, and his voice reverberated across Mount Chumen.

At that moment, he could not be bothered about his dignity as the head of the Chu family. Instead, he looked like a lost puppy that was seeking protection from its master.

Despite so, Ye Fan did not care.

As he glanced at the other man, the Sword of Yunyang in his hands already glinted with light.

Then, Ye Fan slashed his sword several times.

The sword sliced through the air with murderous intent, heading for Chu Zhengliang.

“Zhengliang, dodge it!”

When everyone from the Chu Sect saw the sword lit up with green light, they could not help but tremble in fear and whimper, “Mr. Chu, run!”

In particular, the Chu family were close to tears.

They could only watch and helplessly sob as Ye Fan's sword got closer and closer to Chu Zhengliang.

After all, he was the head of their family, and his strength was second only to Chu Yuan.

If Ye Fan ended up killing him, the Chu family would undoubtedly see their end.

Regardless, there was nothing they could do but yell in fear.

Seeing how Tang Yun had lost, they knew none of them had any chance of stopping Ye Fan.

Seconds passed, and the sword landed on Chu Zhengliang's body.

Unable to watch the scene unfold, many people closed their eyes unwittingly.

Elders like Chu Shen could not bear to see the worst happen.

Just when everyone thought Chu Zhengliang would meet his end, a golden light suddenly emanated from his body.

The light shot a golden beam straight up to the sky.

Later, it materialized into a substance that shielded Chu Zhengliang from Ye Fan's attack.

However, it did not last for long.

After Ye Fan attacked several times, the shield shattered from the repeated impacts.

His last blow ended up hitting Chu Zhengliang.

As a result, blood splattered everywhere.

A deep gash immediately appeared on Chu Zhengliang's back, and blood gushed from the wound.


As Chu Zhengliang shrieked in pain, he was sent flying across the sky like a human cannonball.

Just one blow from Ye Fan was enough to injure him gravely.

There was no doubt that he would have lost his life if not for the protection from the golden streak of light earlier.

Now, he was only severely injured.

After that one blow from Ye Fan's sword, Chu Zhengliang tried to stand up and flee to the Chu residence with his mouth filled with blood.

“Are you trying to escape? Do you really think that it's possible? Chu Zhengliang, you will die today!”

Ye Fan's eyes flashed with fury, and he emitted a murderous aura.

This time, Ye Fan used the Cloud and Mist Sword Technique.

With three strikes, the sword could inflict the most devastating impact possible.

Enveloped in a green light, the sword sailed through the air, painting the sky with a rainbow hue, and aiming to pierce through Chu Zhengliang's chest.

“Oh no! We have to save him!”

When the Demonic Duo saw what happened, they knew Chu Zhengliang would likely die since that sword technique was the deadliest move Ye Fan could make.

Even though they were injured and could not defeat Ye Fan, they had a sense of duty to protect Chu

Zhengliang, even if they had to sacrifice their lives.

However, though they did not hesitate to jump in to help, it was no use.

Being far away from where the fight was, they could not offer their help in time.

They could not match up to the speed of Ye Fan's sword.

Everyone could only watch as the sword head for Chu Zhengliang at breakneck speed. It seemed unstoppable.

“Dad, please save me,” Chu Zhengliang begged.


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