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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1773

“Get out of my way, or I will kill you!” Tang Xian roared at Gaius, who was restricting him.

If Tang Xian could not break the stalemate, his chance to get Ye Fan once and for all would elude him once again. I have to finish this fast. Tang Xian was starting to panic. His face was contorted with rage, and he started pummeling at Gaius in an attempt to break free from his grasp.

Tang Xian was hurling curses at him, but Gaius didn't give in. No matter how hard Tang Xian was pummeling him, Gaius refuse to let go of him.

Even when Tang Xian had sent him flying, he would rush back immediately and continued to keep Tang Xian restrained, all so Ye Fan could escape.

“Live, Master. Live!” Gaius was coughing up blood, and his injuries were getting worse by the minute. Even so, he gazed in the direction where he had thrown Ye Fan and prayed for his safety in silence.


Meanwhile, Ye Fan was sent flying dozens of miles away after he was thrown, and the winds that blew in

his face almost slashed him open.

All supreme grandmasters had tremendous strength, and Gaius almost used up all his power just to send Ye Fan away. He might end up hundreds of miles away from the battlefield in the end because of that.

“Gaius! There's no need for this...” Ye Fan had mixed feelings about the sacrifice they had made for him.

He stared at Mount Chumen. Even at this distance, he could still vaguely see the great battle that was happening back there, and he could hear the loud sounds of combatants clashing against one another.

He knew that the Dragon Slayers only came to battle with the fighters of Chu Sect so that they could send him away safely. Gaius was even willing to stay back and fight Tang Xian just so Ye Fan could leave Mount Chumen.

After all, Gaius had high hopes for Ye Fan. Incredibly high hopes.

Ye Fan murmured, “You did not have to do this for me...”

He was still flying across the air, and he felt sorrow welling up within him. He wanted to fight alongside the Dragon Slayers, but he knew that he was too powerless to do anything even if he reentered the fray.

While Ye Fan was wallowing in his sadness, he had already flown through the woods, and he would be leaving the borders of Mount Chumen in a few moments.

However, right before he could escape to safety, a few men in black stood tall at the border between forest and mountain. They were like dark elves lying in wait fortheir prey, like the grim reaper waiting to take someone to the afterworld.

There were thirteen of them and they were dressed in full black attire. If it weren't for the indifferent gaze that shone through their hood, nobody would have thought them alive.

They had been waiting for a longtime now, as if they were the gatekeepers of hell, just waiting for the lost soul to be ferried into the underworld.


The moment Ye Fan entered their striking distance, one of the thirteen men in black raised his hand and pressed it downward. A wall made entirely of air appeared before him, and Ye Fan crashed straight into it. He lost all his momentum and fell to the ground with a heavy thud.

The impact created a crater on the ground, and dust was swept up into the air around it. Ye Fan trembled, and he coughed up blood. Even so, he dragged himself to a boulder behind him.

He leaned against the rock, staring at the men in black before him calmly.

All of them were supreme grandmasters. Their aura burned brightly as if it was a great blaze that would burn everything before it. The energy they radiated covered the whole area, trapping anyone and anything within it.


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