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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1781

“No! Yurou, you can't stay under the same roof with a stranger! Not to mention he's a guy! I won't agree to this!” the foreign man said. His name was Jack Brown, and he felt jealous that He Yurou had invited Ye Ban to stay at her place.

He Yurou didn't even give him a moment of her time, nor did she spare a glance at him. "Ignore him, Mr. Chu. He's just someone from school. Nothing more,” she explained.

Ye Fan smiled at her. “But he does not seem to think so.”

“I don't care what he thinks. It has nothing to do with me.” He Yurou seemed annoyed by Jack. Every time she mentioned him, she sounded angry. “Anyway, it's getting late, Mr. Chu. I'll take you guys to my place first. I can clean your rooms for you.”

He Yurou wanted to take Ye Fan back to her place as soon as possible. Before she even finished her coffee, she had already started leading Ye Fan and Tang Yun over to her place, and Ye Fan let her.

They needed a safe and quiet place to heal up, after all.

“Sir, you'll have to pay the bill first,” a waiter came over to get them to pay.

Ye Fan nodded. He was about to take his wallet out, but He Yurou settled the bill before he could. “Thank you, Yurou. Honestly, you're too kind. Not only did you give us a place to stay, but you also paid for our coffee.” He smiled gratefully.

He Yurou answered happily, “It's what I should do. You're a guest, and I'm the host. I can't let you pay on my turf. Besides, my father crossed you before. Since I'm his daughter, you can considerthis a little apology.” He Yurou beamed.

Ye Fan took her up on that offer, and he laughed. “Well, if you insist, I shall take you up on your generosity then. Next time you're in Jiangdong, let me be the host.”

With that, the three of them hailed a taxi and left for He Yurou's condominium.

“Wait for me, Yurou! Wait for me!” Jack shouted. “He Yurou! How can you dump me for someone you just met?” he roared.

He was friends with He Yurou, or so he thought. How could she be so cruel? She dumped me and left with

someone she just met!

In the taxi, Ye Fan joked, “Yurou, that young man back there doesn't look half bad, and he's nice to you. Why don't you give him a chance?”

He Yurou shook her head. “Mr. Chu, don't fall for his tricks. He might look loyal, but the guy's a playboy.

He has a lot of girlfriends back at school, and all of them look decent too.

“Not to mention there are at least five girls who got an abortion after they got pregnant with his kid. He's nothing but a piece of scum. So I don't care how 'great' of a catch he is, I will never give him half a chance.”

Ye Fan nodded. “True. Relationships and marriage are big things in life. Power and wealth aren't the most important thing here. If it's up to me, I'd say personality takes first place.”

“Yeah, and you're a great example, Mr. Chu. My father said that you're just a live-in son-in-law many years ago, and the Qiu family humiliated you forthat. Even Ms. Qiu herself neglected you back then.

“Most people would have left if they had to endure such suffering, but you never did. You stayed by Ms.


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