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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1792

At Norwal City, roars filled the air as thousands continued to stay on their knees.

The thundering booms of their voices spread outward to miles away.

It was a sight to behold, and the hundreds of members of the Chu Sect were frightened out of their wits.

As they looked ahead in fear, they subconsciously took steps backward.

“Head of elders, what do we do now? A-Are we going to fight against them?” Tang Xian's subordinate asked Tang Xian again.

The martial artists of the Chu Sect were usually haughty, but when they were finally up against another powerful force, they were almost instantly filled with terror and cowardice.

Tang Xian fell silent.

The strongest martial artists on the opposite side were Grandmasters, and he was powerful enough to go up against a Grandmaster, for he was a supreme


However, regardless of how powerful he was as a supreme grandmaster, he still dared not go up against thousands of martial artists by himself.

He was not Ye Fan; he knew he could not do something unbelievable like that.

Furthermore, despite the fact that Ye Fan was grievously injured and had lost all his combat skills, his physique was still mortifyingly strong.

If they were to fight, and if Ye Fan were to give him a punch, Tang Xian was rather sure that he would die.

Even if Ye Fan was hurt, he was still powerful enough to pose a threat to Tang Xian.

After a moment of weighing the pros and cons, Tang Xian decided to leave as quickly as possible.

Ye Fan had countless people supporting him at the moment, and Tang Xian did not see the point in taking the risk.

The best option he should take was to return to the Chu Sect and inform the Old Master Chu Yuan about the situation. Then, they would gather their best

people to get rid of Ye Fan and his supporters.

However, just as Tang Xian was about to give the order to retreat, the ground began shaking.

It was as if the neighborhood was experiencing an earthquake. Dust was stirred up into the air by the shaking as the doors and windows began making earpiercing screeching noises.

Then, a low rumbling sound from the far, dark horizon began traveling into their ears.

“W-What— Could there be more coming?”

Upon sensing the tremendous commotion, TangXian tensed up again. Then, his heart sank.

At the same time, looks of despair crept upon the faces of the other Chu Sect martial artists.

They were certain that they were doomed.

However, just as the members of the Chu Sect were at the peak of their despair, Li Er, Lei San, and the others gasped in shock.

“What's going on? Are there more coming? Could it be that the Chu Sect's backup is here? No, but that can't

be. They can't possibly come so quickly!”

Li Er, Xu Lei, and the others had contacted everyone they knew for the rescue, and those they had contacted were mostly there.

Therefore, Xu Lei and the others were as worried as the Chu Sect members at the sudden commotion.

At that very moment, both the members of the Chu Sect and the Dragon God Hall were tensed.

Everyone was warily watching the horizon.

Right then, armed Anglandur soldiers began rushing toward them from the edge of the neighborhood.

Of course, the soldiers were not the only ones coming toward them; there were tanks as well. The turret was slowly turning around to face them as the tank readied itself to fire.

It was a sight that would make anyone's blood run cold.

As the dozens of tanks rolled toward them, the buildings beside them shook.

“l-lt's an army?”

When Xu Lei and the others saw the soldiers and the tanks, their faces paled.

Grandmasters did not fear bullets, but there was a limit as to what kind of bullets they could withstand.

At one point, the onslaught of attacks from the powerful modern weaponry would spell the death of even a supreme grandmaster.

Moreover, the ones who had come to back Ye Fan up were not even Grandmasters.

If they were up against Tang Xian, they could still win as they had more people on their side.


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