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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1802

Even though they were still a distance away and couldn't make out the faces in the crowd, the joy felt by everyone on the cruise ship was beyond measure.

They waved their arms and shouted gleefully at the approaching crowd.

However, just as everyone was cheering and dancing, Ye Fan's brow had knitted into a frown.

The others might not have noticed it, but Ye Fan could feel a suffocating chill coming toward them.

In fact, he could even detect the murderous intent underthat spine-chilling aura.

The next moment, Xu Lei turned to Ye Fan as she smiled besottedly at him.

“Ye Fan, why aren't you happy?” she asked. “There are so many people here to welcome us home! You went to the Chu Sect alone and turned it upside down, yet you still managed to escape unscathed. Do you have any idea what an impressive feat that is? Honestly, I wouldn't be surprised if people start worshippingyou as their role model and hero. When you're giving your speech later, I want to be on

camera too! After all, it's an honor to be associated with someone as heroic as you.”

Ye Fan remained silent as he continued to stare ahead.

After a long while, he finally spoke up. “Lei, I don't think those people are here to welcome us.”

“A-Are you sure? But if that's not their intention, what are they here for?” Xu Lei asked, looking very perplexed.

The ship continued to sail, cutting through the water like a knife through butter.

Behind them was the vast, blue ocean, while thousands of figures loomed on the horizon in front.

The more Ye Fan stared at the sight, the more he felt a sense of impending doom.

Just then, Li Er looked through his binoculars and furrowed his brows.

“Wait, that doesn't look right!” he said solemnly. “I don't think those people are from China.”

The next moment, however, he went into a state of


“1-1 think it's the Chu Sect... Yes, I see their blazing sun with clouds mark. Oh, sh*t! It's them! Those are the Chu Sect members!”

As they got nearer, Li Er and the rest could finally see the people clearly.

Contrary to their initial thoughts, the crowd hadn't come to give them the hero's welcome.

Instead, they were all martial artists from the Chu Sect.

It was quite a sight to behold as their war flags, decorated with the familiar blazing sun and clouds, flapped wildly in the wind.

Now that Li Erand the others had seen who the other party was, they were ashen-faced and visibly shaken.

“Hurry, turn the ship around!”

“Retreat! Now!”

In the blink of an eye, fear and desperation gripped everyone on board the cruise ship as panicked cries and screams rang out.

Unfortunately, it was far too late to retreat.

Just as Li Er was about to steer the ship around, the rumbling sounds ahead of them got even louder.

“Chu Tianfan, you've shown the world your evil and bloodthirsty ways. Not only have you murdered countless martial artists, but you have also brutally massacred many others. Your actions are unforgivable! Therefore, we've gathered here today to passjudgment and bring you to justice! Chu Tianfan, turn yourself in now!”

“Turn yourself in!”

“Turn yourself in!”

The thousands of Chu Sect members chanted in unison, their deafening roars causing the earth to shake.

Gusts of wind started blowing, turning the sea choppy as waves came crashing in.

Just like that, the once calm weather had taken a frightening turn for the worse.

Massive waves continued to roll in like a tsunami of nightmarish monsters, threatening to swallow any

ships in their way.

In the face of such an intense force generated by the thousands of martial artists, the ten-thousand-ton ship was pushed out and eventually landed in Chu Sect's ambush.

Once the ship stopped, Li Er and the others scrambled to their feet and looked around in panic. To their horror, they had gotten surrounded.

“H-How is this possible?”


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