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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1807

Chu Yuan broke into a smirk that was filled with unbridled arrogance and confidence.

He looked as if everything was under his control.

Just as Chu Yuan finished, Mochizuki Kawa pleaded in tears, “Moon God, you are the guardian spirit of Japan. As for Chu Tianfan, not only is he a foreigner, but he is also an enemy who has massacred many of our elite martial artists!”

He was extremely worried that Moon God would choose Ye Fan over saving his compatriots.

In that scenario, Japan's martial arts world would be entirely wiped out.

As someone who had experienced the destruction that Chu Sect had wrought, Mochizuki Kawa clearly understood how ruthless Chu Yuan could be.

He was aware that the latter was a man who would back his words up with action.

“Chu Yuan, how despicable of you!”

Moon God had undoubtedly lost her composure.

After all, Chu Yuan's actions had struck at the heart of her weakness.

All this while, she was protecting Ye Fan due to having Suzumiya Eigetsu's consciousness within her.

To Suzumiya Eigetsu, nothing was more important than her master's life.

It was the strength of her conviction that drove Moon God to repeatedly help and protect Ye Fan.

However, from Moon God's perspective, nothing mattered more to her than her citizens' well-being.

Moreover, the fate of Japan's martial arts world was now weighing against Ye Fan's interest.

Consequently, she was now trapped between a rock and a hard place.

If she chose to defend Ye Fan, Japan's martial arts world would suffer untold casualties.

If she returned to her country to stop Chu Sect's attack, Ye Fan would be doomed.

She neither wanted to leave Ye Fan to his death nor ignore the safety of her fellow citizens.

“Moon God, don't blame me for this. You were the one who forced my hand. If you hadn't gotten in my way time and again, would Chu Tianfan still be alive right now? Would so much devastation be wrought upon the territories of the Chu Sect? Consequently, I am resigned to putting such a drastic plan into motion. Of course, if you're reluctant to leave this kid, you can choose to stay. However, I can tell you with extreme certainty that by the time you return to Japan, all that's left to greet you is a sea of bloody corpses!” Chu Yuan declared coldly with a darkening expression.

Meanwhile, Mochizuki Kawa was almost on his knees, begging her.

“Moon God, please stop hesitating and return right now. Even the slightest delay would cost the lives of countless citizens. The Demonic Duo are about to arrive in Tokyo soon.”

As for the martial artists who came from Japan alongside Mochizuki Kawa, they too joined in the appeal.

“B*stard!” “You despicable animal!”

“You're just shameless beyond belief!”

At the same time, Li Er and the others berated their enemies from the Chu Sect.

They could not believe the most powerful sect in the world would resort to such unscrupulous tactics to force Moon God to leave just so they could take on Ye Fan.

Finally, the conflicted Moon God turned around and gave Ye Fan a look.

At that moment, he was a sea of calm as he returned Moon God's gaze with one that was gentle yet mesmerizing.

With his warm and vibrant expression, he looked just like the youth from back then who had watched the sunrise together with her.

“Eigetsu, go. I'm serious, and I can't thank you enough. Don't worry about me. I have my ways of dealing with this.”

Ye Fan could see the torment within her due to her conflicting emotions.

Nevertheless, he was aware of how much she had helped him and that he would never be able to repay the debt of gratitude he owed her.

Now that Chu Sect was threatening Moon God with the lives of Japan's martial artists and citizens, Ye Fan was not going to allow her to bear the terrible sin of forgoing her duty for his sake.

Thus, he persuaded her to leave.

“Dragon Master, Moon God can't leave. Once she does, no one here will be able to stop Chu Yuan!”

Ye Fan's words alarmed the disciples of Dragon God Hall.

Even Xu Lei's eyes began to water.

Given the current situation, Moon God was Ye Fan's only hope for survival.

Once she was gone, he would fall back to the brink of losing his life.

“Silence, all of you!” Ye Fan thundered.

In front of him, Moon God stood still with her long dress fluttering in the wind.

Her usual calm and dignified expression was no longer present.

In its place was a helpless and bitter face.


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