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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1835

“Let's go, Junie. We should head back. The Jiangbei auction will probably start tomorrow. I'll go to India with you after the auction is over and will settle some old scores for you.”

Ye Fan changed the topic right away. Perhaps he didn't want to dwell on the previous topic, but he was quick to get Junie to prepare fortheir trip back.

Junie, however, was slightly taken aback. “My old score?”

“Huh? Have you forgotten about it? Years ago, I promised I'd help you exact your revenge,” replied Ye Fan as he stared strangely at her.

Those words reminded Junie of that promise.

The stoic expression on her beautiful face finally turned into a smile.

“Ah, so you remember that promise. I thought you forgot about it ages ago,” murmured Junie.

She spoke softly, and her tone was even, but there was no doubt that she was touched by that gesture.

It had been a long time, so she didn't expect Ye Fan to rememberthat promise.

Huh... I thought that guy only ever paid attention to the matters regarding the Chu family and the Chu Sect.

“I would never forget that. As far as I am concerned, your problems are my problems. I might forget about everything else, but I will never forget anything that bothered you. The truth is, I was going to go to India after my first trip back from the Chu Sect.

Unfortunately, things didn't go as planned, and I went to Mount Chumen in a fit of anger. Speaking of that, I've been meaning to apologize to you for this. I'm sorry I kept you waiting for so many years. I should've killed that jerk ages ago.”

So many years had passed, and Junie had done so much for the Dragon God Hall.

There were many times when Ye Fan's life hung in the balance, and Junie was almost always the one who brought him back to life.

Even right at that moment, Junie was going all out to help. She was in a foreign country at the time, but she dropped everything and came running as soon as she learned that her skills were needed. In fact, she took a flight back to Jiangdong the very night she received

that phone call.

After all that, she stayed awake for an entire week just to plan for and administer Ye Fan's treatment, all to help Ye Fan recover and make sure he was in tiptop condition.

How could anyone ever repay a debt like that?

Junie had done so, so much for Ye Fan, and the only thing he could do in return was to help her exact her vengeance.

Hence, he decided to accompany Junie back to her country as soon as the auction in Jiangbei was over.

He planned to murderthe King of India, Fen Tian!

“Oh, please don't. Given your current condition, you won't be able to fight as well as you used to. You might fail to exact my revenge and end up being slain instead. Seriously, I wouldn't know how to face your wife and son if you were to die because of me. For now, just be good and recover well. We will have the last ingredient for your medicine after this auction is over, and you should fully recover soon after. Come on. Let's not talk about this now. Let's head back.”

Junie didn't wait for a response. As soon as she finished speaking, she turned around and walked toward the place they lived.

What Ye Fan never noticed, however, was that her beautiful eyes were glimmering with tears when she turned around.

To Ye Fan, he was simply keeping the promise he made ages ago.

On the other hand, Junie saw that as the most touching gesture there was.

Ah, so I'm not alone. There are still people in this world that cares about me. It's a pleasant sensation to have someone care about me.

“I'm surprised. Your son looks just like you. He doesn't take after his mother at all.”

As they traveled back, Junie and Ye Fan chatted.

Ye Fan, however, smiled bitterly and sweated a little before replying, “Hey, don't make weird comments like that. He's not my biological son. The boy was abandoned, and my mom adopted him. I'm not sure why, but Mucheng is raising the kid now.”

Junie was surprised to hearthat. “Huh? That's not your son? You're kidding me, right? Do you realize how similarthe two of you looked? Oh, wait. I think I know what's happening here. You're lying because you don't want to admit that you cheated.”

Junie rolled her eyes after that. It was obvious she didn't believe a word Ye Fan said earlier.

“I'm not lying. You've been to my place before, so I'm sure you've met the tiny rascal my mom had with her,” replied Ye Fan while grinning exasperatedly.

The truth, however, was that Ye Fan was rather confused as well.

Qiu Mufan looked way too similar to Ye Fan.

In fact, when they first met, Ye Fan thought that the kid was actually his biological son.


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