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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1838

Qiu Mucheng had not had many opinions regarding her aunt and uncle's decision to chase her out.

She had been thinking about moving out for quite some time anyway.

Initially, she did not intend to stay at her relative's house. However, she had no choice as she did not have enough time to find a place to rent.

Her aunt and uncle said they had an extra room that had not been occupied for a long time. Hence, they suggested that Qiu Mucheng should stay with them.

Of course, Qiu Mucheng had not taken advantage of them duringthis period.

She paid them a monthly rental fee based on the market price, and she was the one who paid the electric bill and the water bill.

To put it precisely, it cost her even more compared to renting a room elsewhere.

Plus, the house was located further from Fan Junior's school. Thus, Qiu Mucheng had been considering moving out of there.

She did not have the chance to voice it out before, and now she did.

After hearing what her aunt and uncle said, she did not say anything. Without delay, she packed her stuff and left with Fan Junior.

The couple stomped their feet in rage as they watched Qiu Mucheng leaving without hesitation.

“What a heartless person you are! Are you going to leave just like that? What an ungrateful wretch! If we didn't take you in back then, you and your son would have frozen to death on the streets. We shouldn't have let you live with us in the first place! Even an animal knows how to appreciate those who help it. You are worse than an animal!” Their chests heaved as they could not suppress their fury.

Initially, Qiu Mucheng intended to ignore them. However, their words were too harsh for her to stay silent.

“Aunt, I am truly thankful that you had let me stay with you. But I disagree if you say I am not grateful. During my stay here, did I ever not pay my rental fee? If I rent another place, it will only take me less than three thousand for a unit with two rooms and a living room. I only rent a room here, yet I pay you two

thousand and five hundred monthly, three thousand if I include the water and electricity bills. Aunt, do you think that's fair? We both know who is the heartless one here!” Qiu Mucheng turned around and left abruptly without looking back after spitting out those words.

“D*mn it! This brat has a quick mouth! She's driving me crazy!”

“But Honey, I think maybe we shouldn't chase her out. We will be earning two thousand less every month. That's almost equal to thirty thousand per year. I don't think we would ever find such a good deal again.”

After Qiu Mucheng left, the couple vented to each other.

However, they soon realized they were the ones who suffered the biggest loss.

They regretted it instantly and immediately called Qiu Mucheng and asked her to move back in.

Regardless, there was no way Qiu Mucheng would go back after moving out.

I am not a fool. Why would I spend more money to be treated disrespectfully? It's better for me to rent a new place!

Nonetheless, it needed time to find a place to rent.

With that, Qiu Mucheng had no choice but to stay at a hotel for a few days.

The night passed quickly and soon it was morning.

The following day, Ye Fan and Junie woke up early. After freshening up, they walked toward the door.

“Aren't you guys going to have breakfast?” Yue Yingchun's voice sounded from behind.

“No, thanks, Mdm. Yue. We are in a hurry. We don't have time for breakfast.” Ye Fan waved his hand at them and disappeared into the horizon with Junie.

“Young people nowadays lead a stressful life. They don't even have time to eat breakfast. It's hard for them to earn a living, especially for someone who doesn't have much educational background. It's still better for a female as she can marry a wealthy man. But what about Ye Fan? He is almost thirty, but he still doesn't have a stable job. I wonder if any woman will be willing to marry a man like him.” Yue Yingchun and Hu Yipeng heaved a sigh.

“Mom, I can marry Ye Fan.” Just then, Tangtang raised her hand and offered.

Yue Yingchun cast a glare at Tangtang. The three of them continued eating their breakfast.


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