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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1844

The memories of when she was Ye Fan's wife suddenly flashed across Qiu Mucheng's mind.

At that time, Ye Fan was always running around the world. Every day was a busy day as though affairs from the whole world needed Ye Fan's help.

He needed to protect his subordinates, help Xu Lei, and even seek revenge.

All in all, Qiu Mucheng felt Ye Fan was not a good husband.

He had so many people in his heart instead of just her alone.

Every festive holiday, she could only watch in envy as other husbands accompanied their wives to meals and movies, spending their romantic moments together.

She, on the other hand, was always alone in the empty house.

During the start of their marriage, she did anticipate that Ye Fan would walk through the door at the last minute

However, as the door continued to stay shut every single time, the door to her heart also fell shut in disappointment. Finally, the countless disappointments turned into despair.

When she left Jiangdong in dismay, Qiu Muchengwas determined to cut off all ties with Ye Fan.

She knew that was not the life she wanted.

Instead, she wanted a heartwarming family and a man that cared about her and her family, not an emotionless robot that would shove his family aside and focus only on his aspirations.

Other than the years when he was married into the Qiu family and lived with her, Ye Fan did not do anything for her or their family after.

Even so, at that moment, Qiu Mucheng finally realized Ye Fan had been protecting her all the while, unknowingly indebting to him.

If Ye Fan did not risk his life, Jiangdong would not be as stable and flourishing now, not to mention how Mufan Group was at its peak was also thanks to him.

She could enjoy her blessed life in Jiangdong all because of Ye Fan.

Now that she had left Jiangdong—the safe ground he had built for her—she finally realized how helpless she was in Jiangbei.

She found out that she was nothing once she left Ye Fan. Even trying to change her fate was hopeless.

Qiu Mucheng suddenly understood the reason Ye Fan had to make those runs, and her hatred for him diminished.

Even so, that did not mean she would forgive him.

She would never forgive him for hurting her and crushing her heart repeatedly, even though he was not with her anymore.

Qiu Mucheng soon snapped out of hertrain of memories.

After learning the reason, the anger burning inside her had been extinguished.

Li He was right—she had no right to threaten the lives of everyone in the company, so she agreed to resign.

“Mr. Li, I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused the company. I won't be coming here after tomorrow. Don't worry. I'm a reasonable person, so I won't

implicate the company any further. I won't make unreasonable requests, but I should receive this month's pay.”

Qiu Mucheng had nothing at all when she first came to Jiangbei. Now that she had rent to pay and a new job to search for, she was in desperate need of money.

Li He did not expect Qiu Mucheng to come to a decision so quickly. “Mucheng, you don't have to do this. You have a better choice—get together with Mr. Meng. I mean, it's better this way, right? Not only do you not have to worry about putting food on the table, but you'll be Jiangbei's queen when Mr. Meng takes over the Meng family. Think about it. If you decide to accept his courtship, I will gift you ten percent of our company's share,” Li He coaxed.

In truth, he did not want Qiu Mucheng to resign for real; he was merely exhibiting his power and using the gratitude Qiu Mucheng had for him to force her to follow his directive.

If he could persuade Qiu Mucheng, Meng Chuan would owe him a huge favor.

“I won't accept his courtship, so you don't have to waste your breath, Mr. Li. Instead, please settle my


Qiu Muchengdid not want to talkabout MengChuan, so she immediately stopped Li He's persuasion while reminding him of her pay at the same time.

Li He's face turned hard at her firm rejection.

She's very stubborn.

Despite that thought racing through his mind, he still wore a smile as he poured a cup of tea for Qiu Mucheng. “I won't try to persuade you any longer since you've already made up your mind. Let's have one last time toast as a goodbye. I wish you all the best in your future endeavors, Mucheng!”

Li He dumped the whole cup's content into his mouth immediately after, and this time, Qiu Mucheng did not reject.


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