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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1847

“F*ck! What the hell did I just do? D*mn you, Ivy Logistics! D*mn you all to hell!”

Meng Chuan's furious and anguished screams could be heard throughout the entire villa.

He then ran toward the bathroom and started puking uncontrollably.

D*mn it! I can't believe I nearly had sex with a guy and a f*cking ugly one at that! How will I ever get this traumatizing memory out of my head?

In the meantime, the second batch of men had just arrived outside the courtyard in the countryside.

“Be careful not to make a sound, men! This time, we must kill that little sh*t without anyone realizing! Mr. Meng is already upset as is, so we mustn't disappoint him again!” the one leading the group whispered as he vaulted over the wall.

To his surprise, he saw his subordinates all frozen in shock when they were climbing over the wall.

“What the hell are you guys waiting for? Hurry up and get in here! Make sure you boys be quiet when you land and stay out of sight too!” the leader called out to them with a fierce glare.

“Y-You might want to look behind you, boss...” the subordinate said in a trembling voice, pointing straight ahead.

The leader turned around, only to fall to the ground as his legs gave out beneath him.


It was still snowing at the time.

Through the dim lighting from the street lamps, Ye Fan could be seen sitting in the courtyard while Qiu Mufan slept soundly in his arms.

Although Ye Fan had a friendly smile on his face, the men were utterly terrified when they saw him like that.

A few minutes later, peace and quiet were restored to the courtyard.

With the exception of a few bodies lying around in the snow, everything was back to the way it was.

“Is the sun up already, Daddy?” Qiu Mufan mumbled sleepily, rubbing his eyes.

Staring at the kid, Ye Fan whispered, “The sun will always be up with me around.”

That was probably the best sleep Qiu Mufan had ever gotten his entire life.

It was the first time he had felt such warmth in someone's embrace.

It filled his heart with such a great sense of security that he would not be afraid even if the end of the world was near.

“Fan Junior. Fan Junior...”

Qiu Mufan was woken up by someone calling out to him.

When he opened his eyes, Qiu Mucheng's face was the first thing he saw.

“Are you okay, Fan Junior? You scared me to death!” Qiu Mucheng started sobbing.

Her head was hurting really badly when she woke up a while ago.

She was surprised to find herself lying in Liu Yubing's house.

All Qiu Mucheng remembered was drinking a cup of tea before passing out, and Liu Yubing rushing home from the police station was the first thing she saw seconds after waking up.

As it turned out, Liu Yubing had woken up long ago and called the police after seeing the men lying in her courtyard.

The police soon came over to take the bodies away, and Liu Yubingthen told Qiu Mucheng about the people who came after her son last night.

Naturally, Qiu Mucheng freaked out when she heard that. It was not until her son woke up that she could finally rest easy. Even then, her tears of worry would not stop flowing down her cheeks.

“Don't cry, Mom. I'm okay!”

Qiu Mufan wiped the tears off her face as he continued, “I think I dreamt of Daddy, Mom.”


Qiu Mucheng tensed up instantly upon hearing that;


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