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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1867

“If they are destined to come, they will come. Back then, the Chu Sect almost unified the martial arts world. During that time, Chu Yuan hadn't achieved God Realm yet. But now that he has possessed the pinnacle of power, he naturally desires the authority that comes with it,” Sword Saint explained calmly. Buried within his gradual tone was a sense of resignation.

In truth, Sword Saint wasn't alone in thinking that way. Tang Hao and the King of Fighters had foreseen such a day ever since Ye Fan attacked the Chu Sect and forced Chu Yuan out.

It was just a matter of time.

“However, it's still happening faster than I expected. After all, it has only been two years! Back then, didn't Chu Tianfan almost annihilate the Chu Sect together with Dragon God Hall? I had assumed that it would take at least ten years for him to recover his energy.”

Tang Hao furrowed his brows and clenched his fists.

He felt that the Chu Sect had made their move earlier than expected and had caught them unprepared.

“Wouldn't it be great If Chu Tianfan had killed a few more Supreme Grandmasters when he attacked Mount Chumen? He had topped the Sky Ranking and defeated the head of the Chu family. If he really wanted it, he could've killed all the Supremes belonging to the Chu Sect. It would take them at least twenty to thirty years just to train up a few Supreme Grandmasters as replacements,” the King of Fighters lamented as he slammed his fist onto the table.

Sometimes, that was how ironic life could be.

When Ye Fan was alive, Mo Gucheng and the others tried their best to take him down.

Now that he was gone, they complained about him not killing enough enemies on behalf of China.

The irony of the King of Fighters' words was not lost on Tang Hao.

He looked up at Mo Gucheng. “Instead of whining about it, don't you think it would have been better if Chu Tianfan were still alive? Perhaps, he would have broken through his restrictions and achieved God Realm. If there was a God Realm warrior guarding China, the Chu Sect wouldn't dare covet our lands,” Tang Hao remarked coldly.

Knitting his brows, Mo Gucheng retorted in displeasure, “Tang Hao, what are you trying to say? Are you blaming me, Sword Saint, or China's martial arts world for not saving him back then? Are you accusing us of not risking everything to protect that demon? Don't you forget, the decision not to save him wasn't made by any one of us alone. It was the culmination of the votes from everyone in China's martial arts world!”

The King of Fighters raised his voice in sudden anger.

After all, the matter was a sensitive one to the War God Castle.

Until today, no one dared to judge whether the decision back then was the right one.

“I'm not blaming anyone; I'm just stating the truth. I just feel that if we had chosen a different path back then, we would undoubtedly be in better circumstances now,” Tang Hao explained indifferently.

However, his words only infuriated Mo Gucheng further. “No, Tang Hao, don't you think bringing this up now is nothing but a joke? What's the point? Moreover, are you saying that you share the War God's opinion that we have made a mistake? And that the choice most of China's martial arts world made was wrong?”

When Xiao Chen saw the two were about to get into an argument, the Sword Saint interrupted in an authoritative tone, “That's enough. Let's not dredge up the past anymore. Let those that come after us be the judge of our actions. As of now, we should focus on the matters at hand.”

After nipping the argument in the bud, he asked Tang Hao thoughtfully, “How are the negotiations with Japan progressing? Are they willing to fight Chu Sect with us? After all, China isn't their only target. I'm sure Japan is aware of how interdependent they are with us.”

Two years had passed since Ye Fan's death and Ye Qingtian's withdrawal from the War God Castle. Nonetheless, Xiao Chen and the others didn't sit idly by.

They had been preparing the army within the country and invested more resources in training martial artists.

On top of that, the martial art techniques and training methods that Mortal Spark established were still available even though his account had been


Asa result of War God Castle's efforts in promoting it, preliminary results could now be seen.

If only China had enough time, producing a few more Grandmasters or even Supreme Grandmasters wasn't an impossible task.

Unfortunately, the Chu Sect didn't give them that luxury.

Therefore, they were looking to form an alliance with Japan's martial arts world given the desperate circumstances.


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