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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1874

In a blink of an eye, the Meng family manor became a complete mess.

The wails and groans of pain echoed horribly in contrast to Zhang Zixi's hearty laugh.

Everyone got a nasty shock and was rendered speechless.

All they could do was widen their eyes and stare daggers at the vicious woman before them.

Never had the Meng family felt so ashamed and disheartened before that none of their recruited fighters could defeat a single woman.

Their plans were in shambles.

In other words, Zhang Zixi had single-handedly taken the Mengs down.

“Zhang Jiuling... Patriarch Zhang? You are from the Zhang family?”

After snapping back into his senses, Meng Wanjun finally realized something.

His pupil constricted as he tried to recall more about the Zhang family.

They had been inactive for a very long time, to the extent that he had nearly forgotten about the infamous name uttered.

It's all coming back to me now. So, who is this lady?

“But... But why? I thought Patriarch Zhang has never been bothered about affairs like these? Why is he appearing in the picture like a bolt from the blue? Also, I don't understand why the Meng family is the first on the list to be targeted. Are the Zhangs planning a return?” MengWanjun bombarded her with a series of burning questions.

If the opponent was just a regular faction, Meng Wanjun would not be so wary.

However, it was the Zhang family that he was facing now.

No one else knew how powerful the Zhangs were besides him.

They are the one and only prominent family of warriors in Jiangbei! Patriarch Zhang's a Grandmaster, and he's been always regarded with high esteem. Faced with the guardian ofJiangbei, how can I not have ants in my pants?

It was a piece of cake for the Zhang family to destroy the Mengs.

After all, the difference between a somewhat influential family and an extremely prominent family of great fighters was too great.

Any fellow representing the Zhang family, be it a young lady, could effortlessly tackle the Mengs.

If a fight were to break out between these two families, it would be absolutely detrimental to the Meng family.

“Mr. Meng, I've said it once. I come with the objective of reminding you to teach your next generations how to behave themselves. There's a need for them to differentiate between who they can bully and those they can't afford to offend, especially the woman named Qiu Mucheng. If any one of you lays a finger on her, the Zhang family will return the favor multiple folds.”

She paused before continuing, “The incident today serves as a stern warning to all of you. I sincerely hope that Mr. Meng won't do anything silly. As for the future, you can rest assured that the Zhang family has no interest whatsoever in gaining more power or benefits in Jiangbei. You can keep your position as Jiangbei's richest man. That's it for now. I have done my job for warning you.”

Zhang Zixi's words sent shivers down Meng Wanjun's spine. The rest of the family felt very much threatened too.

It took them a very long time to calm themselves down after she left.

When Meng Wanjun finally snapped back into his senses, he landed a tight slap across Meng Chuan's face.

“What have you bast*rd done? How did you step on the toes of the Zhang family? Are you scheming to destroy the Mengs?” Meng Wanjun questioned in a hostile manner.

Meng Chuan remained silent. The series of events that had happened scared the living daylights out of him.

From Liu Yubing's house to his family manor, everything that Zhang Zixi had said and done gave him extreme heebie-jeebies.

It was only now that he realized how terrifying Zhang Zixi was.

“Dad... I didn't know, Dad. I never knew Qiu Mucheng has connections with the Zhang family. I really didn't know.”


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