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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1879

“I'm impressed by Junie's expertise in the medical field. Leaving no stones unturned, my father could only save me from the brink of death at that time, but I could not recover fully and regain my powers. I can't believe Junie managed to cure me with just some herbs and a few pails of therapy drugs. She's indeed working miracles!” Ye Fan gasped admiringly.

As he clenched his fists, he could feel unrivaled energy coursing like never-ending waves through the veins of his entire body.

He was mesmerized by the incredible sensation of feeling energetic.

It was after quite some time that he finally managed to regain his composure and realized that he should not waste time feeling jovial over his recovery. I should check on Junie first.

Even though he had limited expertise in the medical field, he had a hunch that Junie must have utilized her energy to cure him.

Worried sick, he started searching for the woman.

Turning around, he finally noticed that the whole mansion had collapsed.

Countless onlookers surrounding Ye Fan were staring at him in horror as if he was a terrifying beast.

Ye Fan couldn't be bothered by what they were thinking of him. All he cared about at that moment was the woman who had cured him.

“Junie!” he called out.

“Junie, where are you? Say something if you can hear me!”

Panic gripped Ye Fan as he continued to yell out, fearing that Junie was trapped under the rubble. D*mn it! Please don't let anything happen to Junie! That rascal is not good at martial arts. She'll surely sustain injuries if the mansion had collapsed on her!

However, Ye Fan soon cooled his head off as he did not sense the slightest bit of Junie's aura from under the debris.

“It seems that Junie is not here...” he mumbled, heaving a sigh of relief.

Just when he was about to leave, something caught his eye and he halted in his tracks with a frown.

Hmm? What's that?

With a flick of his finger, an envelope was extracted from the debris and ended up in his palm.

He saw the words “To Ye Fan” on the envelope right away.

The moment he opened the letter, Junie's neat handwriting came into sight.

Ye Fan, I 'm sure you 're already fully recovered by the time you read this letter. My dear Dragon Master, allow me to congratulate you for returning to the pinnacle of the martial arts world again. It's a pity that I don't have the opportunity to witness the moment you regain your foothold of prominence. Needless to say, I'm sure you must look as stunning as the sun!By the way, Ye Fan, I have to leave now. My wish is that you won't look for me. After all, all of us have our own paths and goals to achieve. You need to focus on getting your matters resolved so that you could bring Owen, Gaius, and the rest back. Gaius, that old rascal, has stolen a lot of my herbs. Thus, I'll surely be back and reguest him to compensate me. Also, I have to say, that young lady looks great. Although she might not be as gorgeous as me, she's undoubtedly the most ideal person to be your wife and I bet she's a responsible mother too. Ye Fan, you must come back safely if you insist on settling the score with Chu Sect again, okay? After that, bring that lady to a small village and lead a secluded life there as planned. By then, you'll be able to take evening strolls in your beautiful garden every day, watching flowers bloom. To be honest, I was irked when I first heard about your plan to lead a simple and peaceful life. In my eyes, as a Dragon Master, you should be standing tall at the pinnacle of the world like an emperor. Leaders from all over the world should be In reverence of you, whereas all your people will bow to you respectfully. The Hall Master of Dragon God Hall is no ordinary man and is supposed to bask in the limelight forever. But, I was suddenly enlightened when I decided to leave. There are those who will let go of worldly matters so that they could lead the life they wanted, while there are those who would give their all just to gain a foothold in the world of power and wealth. Undeniably, everyone has their own definition of a happy life. I'm sure as long as you can be with your loved ones, that counts as a happy life for you, right? Haha! look at me, I'm babbling a lot without realizing it. You know that I dislike boisterousness and I seldom mingle with others, don't you? But for some reason, I always feel like I hove endless things to tell you. In fact, with the way things are going, I feel like I'm going to write out a lifetime of words to you in this letter. But, I don't see the need to do so. After all, we can always have a chat when we meet again. By the time you're back from battling against Chu Sect, I would have already avenged my master. Let's go back to Livingsfill to visit Mdm. Yue and have a meal with her family then. Oh yeah, I've developed some medicine for Mr. Hu's injury. Could you please help to send it over to him ? It'll probably be helpful for him. Don't worry about me. I've reunited with my seniors. All of them have great combat prowess, and they are all Supreme. Since there are many of us, I'm sure it'll be a piece of cake for us to finish the King of India off. Thus, you don't have to help us with that. While fighting against him in India, I'll wait for the great news of your victorious return after wiping out Chu Sect. Ye Fan, you must stay alive no matter what.

It was a long letter written in a cheery tone.

However, Ye Fan's frown remained etched on his face.

In fact, the longer he read through the letter, the heavier his heart became. His heart wrenched at the sign of tears on the paper.

He could tell that Junie was pouring her last words into it.


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