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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1882

It has been almost ten minutes. Logically speaking, my men should have beaten that piece ofsh*t to death by now. Why haven't they called yet? Could it be that something went wrong?

Meng Chuan thought to himself with a frown.

However, he was quick to dismiss that possibility.

“No, that's impossible. I've sent so many men after him this time, and some of them are highly trained martial artists! That piece of sh*t is bound to be dead regardless of his fighting skills!”

If anything, Meng Chuan was more concerned about Ye Fan not showing up at all.

He had gone to great lengths just to track Ye Fan down throughout the past few days.

Eventually, he managed to find out that Ye Fan was staying in an old house in the countryside, but Ye Fan had already escaped by the time he got there.

Infuriated, Meng Chuan decided to bait Ye Fan into showing up by using Hu Yipeng and his family members.

Being a vengeful man, Meng Chuan harbored intense hatred toward Ye Fan after being humiliated by him and nearly dying at the hands of the Zhang family.

Due to the Zhang family's great power, I had no choice but to keep my anger and hatred suppressed. Now that the Zhang family is no more, my family has become the greatest force here in Jiangbei, so I no longer have anything to worry about! First, I'll kill off Ye Fan. Then, when this banquet in Westlake Is over, I'll go after Qiu Mucheng!

“This b*tch thinks she can rest easy after allying with the Zhang family? Heh... Soon, I will show everyone the true power of the Meng family!” Meng Chuan muttered under his breath as an arrogant and vicious smile crept upon his face.

“Mr. Meng, we won't be able to make it in time if we don't leave now. The banquet at Westlake will be a historical moment for the Meng family. You shouldn't be late for it or the other elders are going to give you a hard time again,” one of the elders standing beside him urged him again.

Meng Chuan nodded. “All right, let's head over.”

Figuring that his subordinates had probably forgotten to call him, Meng Chuan decided not to wait any

longer and rushed over to Westlake.

To him, Ye Fan was a small fry that didn't deserve that much of his attention.

The banquet in Westlake was a lot more important in comparison.

Lake Xizi was surrounded by mountains on three sides and divided into three sections by three dikes.

From a distance, it looked just like a gemstone with the emerald-green water reflecting the sky above.

Despite having over a thousand years of history, Westlake managed to withstand the test of time.

Countless historical events have taken place around the lake over the years, and there would only be more to come in the future.

Tons of fancy cars could be seen in the area as VIPs from various areas in Jiangbei gathered around.

“Say, what do you all think Mr. Meng is trying to do? Why would he host a banquet in Westlake all of a sudden? He even invited all the VIPs in Jiangbei over! Could it be to celebrate his birthday?”

A boatman was casually humming a tune as he slowly rowed a boat around Heart Island with a few wealthy men on board.

“I remember Mr. Meng's birthday being in the summer, though. Isn't it a little too early to be celebrating his birthday right after winter?”

“What do you guys think this banquet at Westlake is for, then?”

“Isn't it obvious? Didn't you guys hear about the recent events in Livingsfill? The Zhang family is finished! I bet Mr. Meng is seizing this opportunity to assert dominance over Westlake and have all of Jiangbei submit to him. He wants people like us to respect him as the head of Jiangbei!”

One of them managed to gather some information on the Meng family and found out about their plans.

The others were all shocked to hearthat but soon nodded after giving it some thought.


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