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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1884

With the vast horizon behind him, the man stood as he watch the endless flow of cars before him with an expressionless face.

Every step he took made the ground rumble.

The man was exuding a murderous aura, startling any pedestrians that had walked too close to him.

“Sir, are you all right? Do you need some help? Do talk to a police officer if you need help. Please don't do anything silly.”

Although some kind-hearted pedestrians were concerned about the man, the man simply remained silent and kept walking forward.

If there was a martial artist present, they would surely realize that the intimidating aura released by the man resembled a raging fire that was slowly building.

With such obvious hostility, the pedestrians eventually started to steer clear of the man, keeping their distance.

The murderous intent exuded by him was so cold that it seemed to have frozen the grass and trees, all while dust and gravel billowed in the air.

In the meantime, the pedestrians cowered in fear as they stared at the man who looked just like a demon from hell.

There were ten major tourist attractions in Westlake, including the causeway, the lotus flowers, Peace Lake, and the broken bridge covered with snow.

Since it was spring then, Chu Wenfei couldn't see the broken bridge covered with snow when he revisited Westlake.

Standing on the causeway, I feel like everything revives during spring. However, unlike nature, Ye Fan and the Zhang family won't have the chance to rise again.

Chu Wenfei was overwhelmed with mixed feelings as he gazed at the beautiful scenery of Westlake.

Deep down, he felt that everything seemed to be signifying the arrival of the new era.

After Ye Fan passed away, a new leader was now at the helm of Jiangdong.

Not to mention, Jiangbei would welcome their new king soon.

It was as if everything would eventually rise from the ashes.

Chu Wenfei felt that the world had somehow become unfamiliar, for he could no longer hear any news about Ye Fan anymore.

Besides, all his acquaintances had either retired from the frontlines or disappeared.

Suddenly, Chu Wenfei felt that he had aged and that the era that had once belonged to his generation had since passed.

“I hated Ye Fan to the core when he was alive, but now that he's gone, I somehow miss him.”

Meanwhile, on Heart Island, many guests had arrived and were congratulating the Meng family.

Just as Chu Wenfei was reminiscing his memories, more guests had arrived at Heart Island.

At noon, the banquet in Westlake officially began.

The servants led Chu Wenfei and the other nobles to take their respective seats.

Soon, various delicacies and bottles of wine were sent to the banquet venue by way of boats.

All the guests enjoyed the food and wine as they gazed at the mesmerizing scenery of Westlake.

“Hmm? She looks kind of familiar...”

As Chu Wenfei lifted his glass of wine, he suddenly noticed a man and a woman sitting at an unnoticeable corner.

Although both were wearing masks, he couldn't help but feel a sense of familiarity after staring at their eyes.

Somehow, Chu Wenfei felt that he had met the woman before but couldn't recall where or when.

Just when he was sifting through his memory to figure out who the woman was, his thought was disrupted by the arrival of Meng Wanjun.


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