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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1888

“He's not one of ours.”

The three men in black denied it immediately when faced with Meng Wanjun's query.

However, they sounded grim in their replies.

It was apparent that the appearance of the man in the dragon mask had spooked all of them.

“Unus, maybe he's the man in the dragon mask?” asked one of the three men softly.

However, the leader of the group shook his head and replied, “I doubt it. His mask is different.

Furthermore, the man in the dragon mask has been injured by Mr. Chu a few days ago. This person, on the other hand, is so overwhelmingly powerful. Does he look like he is injured?”

“Then who can it be? We aren't aware of anyone like this from War God Castle. If he is someone that our head has sent to back us up, he would have notified us beforehand.” The three men were very puzzled.

“If this person has nothing to do with us, then he must have been after the Meng family,” said one of the men suddenly, and he turned to look at Meng Wanjun.

“Other than the Zhang family, have you offended other martial artists?”

Hearing the accusatory tone, Meng Wanjun panicked and explained hastily, “Impossible! Everything that we have done is in accordance with Mr. Tang's orders. During this time, our only target is the Zhang family. We have never offended any other fighters.”

Meng Wanjun slapped his chest to show his sincerity and give his assurance.

“I sure hope so! If we find out that you have been acting recklessly and offended others, you should be aware of the consequences.”

It was an explicit threat from the man in black.

Meng Wanjun kept reassuring them.

Meng Chuan, who had been standing by the side, looked uncertain.

Obviously, the actions that Meng Chuan had taken against Ye Fan were definitely unauthorized.

However, as far as Meng Chuan was concerned, going after a nobody would not have affected their plan.

The main issue right now was to figure out the identity of the person who came.

Just as Meng Wanjun and the others were cracking their heads, the laughter of Lu Ziming could be heard coming from the stone pillar behind them.

“Haha! Meng Wanjun, stop guessing. Let me tell you who that is! It's Mr. Chu. The god-like man has returned. Meng Wanjun, you are done for. Zhang Zixi is the woman that Mr. Chu likes. She was supposed to be his queen and bears children for him. Now that you have annihilated her entire family, you're done for. Mr. Chu will surely kill all of you. Hahaha!”

Lu Ziming controlled his pain and laughed arrogantly.

In order to scare Meng Wanjun, he had concocted the story that Zhang Zixi was Ye Fan's woman.

“Mr. Chu? Which Mr. Chu? I have even defeated Zhang Jiuling. I don't believe that there is anyone who is my match in the entire Jiangbei.”

It was apparent that Meng Wanjun had no idea which Mr. Chu Lu Ziming was talking about.

Instead, he took a step forward, and his majestic voice reverberated in the entire Westlake.

“I'm Meng Wanjun, the head ofthe Mengfamily. I wonder who you are and why you have come.”

As Meng Wanjun spoke, everyone saw the figure getting nearer.

The lake was like a mirror that reflected the gleam in his eyes.

He took his time to walk on the Westlake.

With each step he took, the whole Westlake became frozen. Even the air had turned into frost.

Then, snowflakes began to fall.

Spring was already here, but this man had turned Westlake into winter.

At that moment, the icy tension was causing intense uneasiness in Meng Wanjun.

Seeing that there was no response from the oncoming figure, Meng Wanjun asked again, “Please state your name and your intention. If you are a guest, I will be more than happy to welcome you. If you are here for some other purposes, I hope you can come again another day. Today, the Meng family is hosting a banquet to commemorate the day when we hold the ultimate control in Jiangbei. I hope you will be kind enough not to make a scene. It will make our future interactions in Jiangbei much more cordial.”


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