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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 19

Ye Fan was addressing Wang Kai-Wen, the bank employee nearest to him.

Wang Kai-Wen took one look at Ye Fan's unfashionable appearance and was immediately filled with disdain for him. She thought he had the air of a country bumpkin and was probably a peasantworker who had come to the city to work.

"Queue number? Go outside and turn left. Keep walking for two hundred meters. There's a rural commercial bank there. Why don't you get a queue number there?"

"Our Hongqi Bank is an international bank. We only deal with the upper crust of society, and country bumpkins are not welcomed.”

Wang Kai-Wen's eyes were filled with contempt and she did not even look at Ye Fan. If it were not for her professionalism, she would completely ignore a country bumpkin like him and let the security guards chase him out.

Withdraw money?

Was he not embarrassed to come here and withdraw a pittance amount of just one or two hundred?

Was Hongqi Bank the sort of place a country bumpkin could patronize?

The smile faded away from Ye Fan's face and was replaced with a frown.

"Mister, do you have a transaction to handle? Let us go get a queue number?" At this moment, Li Xiao-Hong approached Ye Fan genially, with a bright smile on her face. Her high heels clacked lightly on the floor as she walked toward him.

"Hmph, acting so friendly toward a poor person. Birds of a feather really do flock together.” Wang Kai-Wen truly despised poor people like Ye Fan and Li Xiao-Hong. She felt so insulted, having to work with a country bumpkin at the bank.

Halfway through her sneer, a couple walked in from the entrance. When Wang Kai-Wen saw them, the look of disdain vanished from her face and she started fawning over the newcomers.

"Manager Wang, you have come?"

Wang Yu nodded and gave an affirmative grunt. He had a phone in one hand and the other was busy hugging the slim waist of his female companion. "I am withdrawing some money. Be quick about it. I am in a hurry. I have to attend a high class auction later."

"Haha, relax, Manager Wong. You are our VIP customer, so we will prioritize your transactions." Wang Kai-Wen smiled fawningly. The servile demeanor she had on now stood in stark contrast to the look of contempt she had shown Ye Fan earlier.

And then, she took Wang Yu's identification card to the queue number dispenser. Ye Fan was still standing in front of the machine and trying to get his card out, when Wang Kai-Wen pushed him aside without a word.

"Kai-Wen, what are you doing? Mr. Ye has not received his queue number yet?" Li Xiao-Hong said as she stood up for Ye Fan.

Wang Kai-Wen said disdainfully: "He's just a country bumpkin. Tell him to stand aside and wait. Manager Wang is our VIP customer and the general manager of a listed company. Can an intern like you afford to offend him?"

Of course, Wang Kai-Wen ignored their complaints.

Ye Fan's frown got deeper and he said unhappily, "I was here first. Why do I have to wait?”

When Wang Kai-Wen heard this, she burst into laughter.

"Heh, for a useless guy, you are pretty cocky?"

"You are just a poor country bumpkin. Don't you feel embarrassed when you compare yourself to Manager Wang?"

"Manager Wang's transactions at our bank can reach ten million per annum. What about you? I bet you won't be able to see that much money in your whole life. So how can you compare yourself to Manager


"Just leave obediently and turn left at the entrance. Go to that rural commercial bank. That's where peasant-workers like yourself belong."

Wang Kai-Wen's eyes were filled with scorn. And as she snorted in laughter, she walked toward Wang Yu.

"Wen, what's going on? Isn't the Hongqi Bank a high class establishment? Why did you let in the riff-raffs?" Wang Yu frowned when he caught sight of Ye Fan.

As if he was being insulted just by standing next to someone like Ye Fan.

Wang Yu had already gotten used to feeling superior to others. So eventually, he came to believe that he was truly superior to other people.

Wang Kai-Wen explained hurriedly, "Manager Wang, don't worry. I will go get the security guards to chase him out. This sort of thing won't happen ever again."

Wang Yu gave an affirmative grunt and nodded his head. "Okay, help me withdraw my money now. Let's withdraw half a million. Don't worry about your performance. I will be getting a million from my project funds in a few days time and I will deposit it all into your bank."

The bank employees had to meet monthly deposit targets, and their bonuses were tied to those targets. So when Wang Kai-Wen heard Manager Wang's promise, she was overjoyed and hurried to process his withdrawal. But she stopped to ridicule Ye Fan once more before departing.

"Now, can you see the difference? He can withdraw half a million just like that. What about you? Are you going to withdraw fifty or a hundred?”



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