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The Man In Rage novel Chapter 1907

“How do you want your death, huh? I can have my uncle grant you the death you wish for! You're not going to run away in fear when you see him, are you? I hope you'll keep your word and challenge my uncle to a fight! I'll be sure to give you a proper burial! Say, what grudge do you have against my uncle? Why are you so determined to get your revenge on him? Are you really not afraid to die? You look pretty young to me. Judging by how much you suck at pleasing women, I bet you're still single, aren't you? Why would you do something so suicidal if you haven't even experienced love? My uncle will kill you for real, you know? You're nothing to a person as powerful as he is! I've seen him kill countless men with a single swing of his arm! You should give up on this and head back while you can! Isn't it better to live a good life instead of throwing it away like this? There are so many wonderful things that you have yet to experience! Come on, do you really not have something worth living for? I can even take you in if you don't have a place to go. You may not be as powerful as my uncle, but you're not all that bad. How about you work for my father as his bodyguard? I can provide you with accommodation and a lucrative monthly salary, so why don't you consider this offer?”

Noa kept rambling on as the two of them continued heading east.

Her attitude toward Ye Fan was slowly changing as she spent more time around him.

At first, she was eager for Ye Fan to meet her uncle so he could kill Ye Fan sooner.

Halfway through their journey, she started wishing for Ye Fan to slow down a little so that she could talk to him a bit more.

At some point, she didn't even want Ye Fan to go there and tried to talk him out of his stupid decision.

Eventually, she even went as far as promising to keep his plan a secret, offering him a job, providing him with accommodation, and forgiving him for abducting her as well as killing her subordinates.

However, all of her pleas fell on deaf ears as Ye Fan ignored her the whole time.

He kept his eyes closed and didn't even look at her, let alone say anything in response.

“D*mn it, all you do is sleep! You might as well die in your sleep, then!”

Noa was on the verge of losing her mind from anger.

I'm genuinely concerned about his well-being, and he just ignores me completely! Ugh, this is so infuriating!

“Hmph! I wouldn't even care about you if it weren't for you keeping me warm earlier!”

Noa's face would get all puffed up like a pufferfish when she was angry, and that only made her look adorable.

After what seemed like forever, the train finally came to a stop at a city near the east coast.

Noa then refused to take another step.

Ye Fan looked at her and asked, “Are you going against your word?”

“I told you, I only know that my uncle is currently on an island east of India. I only know the general direction of the location, not the specifics. Besides, that island was a gift to my uncle from the president. It was meant to be a token of gratitude for his contributions to the country. That island is sealed off from the mainland, so you'll have to buy a ship if you want to get there. Alternatively, you can also build a raft and go look for it out in the ocean!” Noa replied in a matter-of-fact manner.

She then broke into a smug grin and sat down on a bench with her arms crossed as she continued, “What's the matter? Why have you gone quiet all of a sudden? Are you ready to give up now? I told you, my uncle is a very powerful man, so seeing him won't be easy. Let's just forget about this and head back, okay? You can work as a bodyguard like I told you earlier, and I'll pay you accordingly. Of course, if you don't want to work, I'm okay with having you as a sugar baby instead!”

There was an expectant look in Noa's eyes when she said that.

Everything she said led up to her suggestion of Ye Fan being her sugar baby.

However, Ye Fan simply shook his head and scooped her into his arms.

Noa burned bright red instantly, and her heart began pounding against her chest like crazy.

She was panicking so much that she felt like her heart would stop at any moment.

“W-What are you doing? There are so many people here!” Noa exclaimed softly while burying her blushing face in his chest.

She was feeling a mixture of shock, excitement, and the thrilling sensation of tasting the forbidden fruit at the same time.


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